
Friday, June 21, 2019

Car Accidents Leave People With Injuries, June 17, 20, 21, 1919

From the Wilson Daily Times, June 21, 1919

Abe Goodwyn Hurt

Abe Goodwin, 8 years of age, was run over today in front of the Princess theatre and badly bruised about the head and shoulders. It was necessary to take three stitches in the back of his neck. No bones are broken.

The boy was struck by a colored driver named Perry who was driving a car, the property of Mr. U.H. Cozart. The child had started to turn his bicycle across the street when the automobile struck him and knocked him down. The child is in a local hospital and is resting quietly.


From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., June 20, 1919

Auto Accident

While on their way to Raleigh Sunday for a day’s outing, Mr. J.L. Young driving his Briscoe, with Messrs. Bruce Shearin, Frank Shearin and Orris Moseley had the misfortune of experiencing a turnover just this side of the Neuse River Bridge. From what we can gather it seems that a spring broke, dropping the car down on the steering gear, throwing the car out from under control. The car left the road and turned completely over twice and almost a third time.

In the accident Mr. Young received any ugly cut on his arm and a badly bruised leg. Frank Shearin was injured in the stomach and Bruce Shearin received a badly bruised leg, while Moseley escaped without accident. The wounded were taken to Raleigh where they were treated at a hospital. The car as pretty badly damaged.


From the Hickory Daily Record, June 17, 1919

Victim of Automobile in Serious Condition

The small daughter of Mr. Charles Travis of Newton, who was run over Saturday afternoon by Mr. Wade Gilbert, was in a serious condition last night, according to news from Newton today, and it is doubtful if the child will recover. It is said that in recent months Newton speed ordinances are not being observed and that the fine Main street is being used as a race track. There is strong sentiment for enforcing the ordinance, it is said.

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