
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Deaths of Rev. Jno. Sledge and 17-Month-Old Janie Denton, June, 1919

From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, June 13, 1919


Rev. Jno. W. Sledge

On May 29, 1919, at Cedar Rock, Franklin County, N.C., Rev. Jno. W. Sledge, at the age of 70 years, calmly and peacefully departed this life to be with the Lord and the holy angels.

This venerable and worthy servant of the Lord wrought faithfully and well. He was ordained to the ministry on Oct. 15, 1886, the presbytery being Rev. G.M. Duke, Dr. J.D. Hufham and Rev. G.W. Newell. From his ordination until four years ago when disease fastened upon him, he served his day and generation well as a minister of the gospel, and as a large exponent for religious education and training. Perhaps his greatest work was that of developing and organizing country churches. Nine stand as monuments to his memory. He served many other churches, baptized more than a thousand persons, married hundreds of couples and preached many funerals.

His first marriage was to Miss Martha Ada Wester and the second to Miss Leonore Agnes Woodlief. To the first union were born eight children, the five surviving being T.H. Sledge of Red Oak, Mrs. C.M. Gattis of Louisburg, J.O. Sledge of Cedar Rock, Mrs. J.J. Lancaster of Mapleville, and Mrs. H.M. Crawley of Littleton. His second wife and little son Averette also survive him. Besides these, he leaves a brother, J.H. Sledge of Mapleville and two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Carr of Laurel and Mrs. Mary Fulghum of Cedar Rock and many other relatives and friends to mourn this death.

The funeral services were conducted on May 31 by Rev. G.W. May, who spoke very tenderly and befittingly concerning the life of such a devoted husband, wise father, devout Christian faithful minister, and zealous promoter of education.

His remains were laid to rest in the family burying ground with Masonic rites, to await the resurrection morn. The honorary pall bearers were Hon. T.S. Collie and W.B. Coppedge, the active ones being T.W. Stokes, J.B. Glasgow, S.R. Boone, J.R. Collins, W.J. Shearin and J.J. Lancaster.

The floral tributes were very profuse and beautiful, attesting the high esteem in which the deceased was held by his kindred, neighbors and friends.

May he rest in peace, for his works do follow him.


M. Janie Denton

Seventeen months ago God in his great love gave to Mr. and Mrs. Colman Denton a dear little girl allowing it to bud on earth to bloom in Heaven. During the stay of the little child she as all children became very dear to mother and father and to submit to the Heavenly Father’s will was hard but nevertheless not our will shall be done but God’s alone.

On Tuesday afternoon the dear Angel that loves little children came whispering come all things are now ready, taking the gentle spirit of little Janie with her and leaving the peaceful form that we love in our care to be placed as we should see fit to await the great coming of Christ the Lord. She was indeed a bright child always content with whatever you gave her. We know that she will be missed in the home. But as we miss her let us so labor and wait that when he calls for us that we may be ready to meet her.

On the following afternoon her remains were tenderly laid to rest and there we left the little mound covered with flowers to await the blessed coming of our Savior.

--W.C. Ball, Wood M.E. Church, Wood, N.C.

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