
Friday, June 7, 2019

Local News From Across Polk County, June 6, 1919

From the Polk County News and Tryon Bee, June 6, 1919

Local News


Fine weather now. Seems to have come to stay.

But next week is court, and that will set old Polk county back many thousands of dollars.

Misses Pearl and Bertha Laughter visited C. Arledge’s saying over night Saturday last.

It was quite a treat to see so many wagons at once last week moving the surveying squad, tents and utensils, down to Mill Spring.

Well, Brother Lynn, I have to report the killing of three large rattlers last week, here.

T.W. and J.B. Bradley attending the singing at Mount Lebanon last Sunday.

Isaac Walker was in this section one day last week.

We learn Dewey Hill has gone to Hendersonville with a wagon load of snap beans.

With snap beans, cabbage, peaches, cherries, strawberries and dewberries for pies, we are beginning to enjoy life once more.

Tryon, Route 1

I wish to correct a mistake in last week’s paper. It was lambs not lumber that Mrs. R.G. Hamilton had for sale.

Misses Pearl and Essie Edwards have returned home from Brevard school for the summer vacation.

Messrs. Floys Toney and Frank Edwards spent Saturday night with Miss Sallie and Mr. John Carpenter.

Messrs. Corbin and Lunton were callers on the route Monday last.


The Heriots of Charleston, S.C., are up for the summer and are having a family reunion at their newly painted home in Saluda, the Melrose Inn.

Mr. R.A. Parler has returned from Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore very much improved in health.

The “Little Nieces of Uncle Sam” cleared over eight dollars at their second sale of ice cream and cake, thus making sure of another month’s support for the orphan in France recently adopted by them.

Dr. and Mrs. Smith are getting their baby hospital ready for the business of the season in their line.

Miss Rosa Box is attending the commencement exercises at Piedmont college, Demorest, Ga., but will return this week.

Mrs. Zeigler and sister are occupying the cottage of Mr. Bolich for the summer.

Miss Louise Lane is visiting friends in Savannah, Ga.

Miss Hattie Howe of Charleston, S.C., is visiting her old friend, Mrs. Wm. Staton for a few weeks before opening her own cottage.

Miss Annie Waring has returned to Saluda for the summer, and is to be found at her home, “Hillrise.”
Mrs. Jenkins of Miami, Fla., is busy getting her hotel ready for summer tourists.

Dr. and Mrs. Moorer of St. George, S.C., has been at their cottage for several weeks, but have returned to their home in St. George, till later, when they will come up for the season.

The commencement exercises of Saluda Seminary were held last week, and the school is now closed till October 1st. The new buildings are nearing completion and will be ready for use when school reopens.

Mrs. Edmund Credle and Mrs. Smith of Beauford and Hyde counties came to Saluda for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones. They have been attending the meeting of the confederation of Women’s Clubs in Asheville and Hendersonville.

The Rev. W.B. Allen, M.A. and Mrs. J.O. Darby spent several days in Asheville attending the Diocesan convention of the Episcopal church. Mrs. Darby was a delegate of the Woman’s Auxiliary.


Mr. J.R. Cantrell of Spartanburg is spending a few days with relatives in Columbus.

Miss Marie Burgess and Vada McMurray of Elon College, returned home last week.

Mr. John Burgess of Davidson college, returned home last week.

Mrs. Lindsey Smith and daughter, Coy, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Laughter, of Lynn.

Mr. E.W.S. Cobb and Mrs. J.W. Jack spent a few days in Marion last week on business.

Misses Corinne and Jeannette Feagan were the guests of Miss Grace Holbert of Lynn Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Lizzie Dedmond is visiting relatives at Cliffside this week.

Messrs. Arthur Pitman and Claude Edwards spent Sunday in Columbus.

Mr. Wilbur McGinnis of Abolene visited friends in Columbus Sunday.

Mr. Harrison Gibbs of Asheville spent Sunday in Columbus.

Mrs. Lindsey Smith and daughter, Coy, and Inez Hughes spent a day last week with Mrs. J.R. Smith, near Columbus.

Mill Spring

The farmers are taking advantage of this beautiful weather, and are very busy.

The Baptist Sunday school at this place is planning to go to Chimney Rock Sunday, June 22. We will carry our quarterlies and song books and have school same as we do each Sunday. All members will carry well filled baskets.

Railroad surveyors have pitched their tents on Mr. J.H. Gibbs’ farm and are “traveling on” with the survey.

Mrs. J.H. Steele is boarding at the home of J.H. Gibbs.

Hubert Gibbs spent last Sunday in Columbus.

Mrs. J.M. Lewis visited Mrs. W.G. Egerton Sunday afternoon.

A number of the little folks attended a birthday party at the home of Miss Mabel Pack last Wednesday night.

Mrs. J.H. Cocheran was the guest at Sunny Brook farm last Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Ben Ross, who has been attending school at Raleigh, has come home to spend his vacation.

Melvin Hill

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Higgins last Monday, a baby boy.

Mrs. Norris has arrived home from a month’s visit with her daughter at Clifton.

The little child of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Edwards, who was so low, is thought to be a little better.

Mr. Major Willis, who went to the hospital with a broken leg some time ago, is home now, and can get around on crutches.

Wheat is about ready to harvest in this vicinity. Farmers are getting caught up with their work pretty well now, since they have had some dry weather.

Silver Creek

Mrs. Zach Swain of Spartanburg has been spending the past week with relatives in this section.

Miss Mary Ann Bradley was the guest of her brother, Mr. Harrison Bradley, Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Splawn and baby Jesse Jr. were guests at Mountain View farm Sunday.

Mrs. John Wilson and son Paul motored up from Rutherfordton and spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Wilson’s father, Mr. Clement Arledge.

Little Glenn Arledge Jr. is very sick.


The Odd Fellows showed signs of having some fresh meat on hand at last week’s meeting. It’s to be hoped they took good care of it.

Clarence Newman and Wilkey Capps have returned home from overseas and are at home.

T.C. Westall and family of East Flat Roc were guests of R.T. Fowler, Mrs. Westall’s father, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Crowdus Ross are the happy recipients of two bouncing baby boys. At this writing mother and babes are doing well. Suppose Crowdus thinks we may have another war.

W.W. Lancaster, an up-to-date hosiery mill man, of Spartanburg, was looking us over one day last week.

Old Aunt Rebeca Davis, colored, died very suddenly one day last week. She was the wife of Taylor Revis.

Lewis T. Blackwell and family of Spartanburg were in Lynn last week-end, visiting relatives and friends.

As the long expected material for the purpose of making windows and door frames for the new church has been delivered, it is thought the committee will soon have the work of making the frames under way.

Miss A.R. Uniack of Fair Plains, Tenn., stopped off and called to see quite a number of her old friends in Lynn, one day last week, on her way to her old home in Wallingfort, Conn. Miss Uniack was here a few years ago under the employment of the A.M.A.

The local lodge of the Jr. O.U.A.M. will have on sale at the Fourth of July celebration all kinds of cold drinks and refreshments. Proceeds will go to the soldiers’ monument fund.

Some of our Fords and automobiles have some very hideous squeaks and squawks as signals. But one passed through our village a few days ago playing a very good tune, leaving music out of the question, on the exhaust pipe. Why not have a calliope automobile or a Ford calliope?

Mill Spring, Route 2

Mr. T.N. Wilson has been very sick for the past week.

Mr. J.W. Pitts and little son Fred made a business trip to Tryon last Monday.

Mrs. Bill Bradley visited relatives in this section, Saturday and Sunday.

Little Carrie Bradley spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs. George Bradley.

Mrs. Coggin from Spartanburg, S.C., is spending a few weeks with her son, F.R. Coggin.

Miss Minnie Ruppe spent Sunday night with her sister, Mrs. J.W. Price.

What about those rattlers, Bro Fishtop? You must keep us posted.

Mrs. Lambert and baby departed one day last week to join her husband, who left a few days ago for Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Lambert occupied the Brown cottage at the Mission grounds.

Cross Keys

The young cotton is dying to a large extent in this neighborhood. The cause, we think, is from the cold weather of last week.

We are glad to say the cotton gin, which the farmers are going to build at Sandy Plains, is well on its way. The erection of the building will begin soon. The plant will cost $10,000. We have a few shares on hand we will be glad to sell to any one wishing to buy, as we want cash to pay for the machinery.

Misses Bertha and Margaret Cantrell of Landrum were seen in this vicinity Sunday afternoon.

Miss Gladys Flynn spent Saturday night at Misses Miley and Docia McKinney’s.

Miss Violet Toney spent Saturday night with Miss Nora Welborn.


Quite a number of our young people enjoyed a welcoming party given Mr. Broadus B. Flynn by his parents Saturday night. Mr. Flynn is one of our soldier boys recently home from France.

Miss Ruth Rogers went to the Rutherfordton hospital Monday for treatment for stomach trouble.
Miss Ellen M. Click of Saluda Seminary spent several days with Mrs. J.H. Norville and Miss Margaret Brian.

Mrs. W.B. Valentine has returned from her visit to Anderson and Spartanburg.

Sunny View

A large crowd form her attended the W.O.W. celebration at Hendersonville Sunday and report a splendid time (except when they were having blowouts and punctures).

Mr. Dewitt Helton has been released from the army and is now home. We welcome the boys home again.

Misses Myrtle and Ura Whiteside, Grace and Oma Gibbs were pleasant callers at Mrs. S.J. Helton’s Sunday last.

Mr. Ralph Edwards and Mr. Tolbert Odell were in this section last Sunday.

Prof. E.W.S. Cobb and Mr. J.R. Sams were at Sunny View Saturday and made splendid speeches on school affairs. Come again.

Mr. T.N. Wilson who has been ill, is now improving.

Messrs. Hobart Whiteside, Bill Jackson and Tench Edwards report they will be home from overseas by July first.

Messrs. Willie Mills and Tolbert Odell were callers at Mr. U.S. Gibbs’ Sunday last.
Mrs. W.W. Gibbs visited Mrs. G.S. Whiteside last week.

Mill Spring, Route 1

Hello to all. We have woke up at last.

Miss Bessie Thompson and sister Exie were guests at A.A. Edwards’ Sunday.

Several girls and boys from Cleveland motored over and spent Sunday with relatives.

Walter Dyer has returned from overseas.

Ralph Edwards robbed some bees Tuesday and to his surprise was made sick by eating the honey.

A party of girls and boys were fishing Saturday, just for fun, and had all the fun they wanted together with two strings of fish with about 25 on each string.

Misses Bessie Thompson, Mossie and Dorcas Edwards went to Rock Springs Sunday and enjoyed some fine singing. You all remember Rock Springs choir, do you not?

Red Mountain

Mr. Jack Lawter is very ill at present.

Private Major Jackson has returned from overseas. Friends and relatives are glad to welcome him home again.

Mr. Posey Brown of Spartanburg was a visitor at his uncle’s, Mr. J.P. Dimsdale’s, Sunday.

Mr. Pritchard Dimsdale has returned home from Spartanburg.


The first units of the 81st or “Wild Cat” division to return from France are due to arrive at Newport News June 7th, another on June 9th, and the last contingent of this division now homeward bound will arrive a few days later. Among the North Carolina troops in this division are Corporal Joe Mills and Sgt. Ralph Jackson of Tryon, and probably others from Polk county. The Wild Cats established an enviable record during their short period of service in France, and was actively engaged on the “firing line” at the time the armistice was signed.

Oliver Andrews arrived in Tryon Tuesday night from overseas service with the America forces.

Mrs. G. LeCount left for Connecticut Tuesday, where she expects to remain until next September.

Mrs. J.H. Griffith and daughters have returned home from Kinston, where they have been visiting friends.

Mrs. C.S. Wilson, who is spending the summer in Flat Rock, came down to attend the funeral of Mr. Geo. Farmer.

Mrs. E.N. Walker of Terre Haute, Indiana, arrived in Tryon last week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Jackson.

Mr. Broadus Ballenger left Tuesday for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Atlantic City before returning home.

Mrs. Peety of Chicago arrived in Tryon a few days ago and will occupy Barbara Villa for some time. She is a sister of Mrs. W.B. Stone.

Dr. and Mrs. R.G. Sherrill of Raleigh have arrived in Tryon for the summer months and are occupying the cottage of Mrs. C.S. Wilson.

Mr. E.J. Bradley of Fishtop paid us a visit on Tuesday. He reports only about half a fruit crop in his section, the cool weather of early spring having blighted much of it.

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