
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Local News From Alamance County, June 12, 1919

From The Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., June 12, 1919

Local News

Mr. Chas. Reaves was carried to Alamance Hospital Monday evening and operated on for appendicitis. He stood the operation well and was getting on alright when last heard from.

Mr. John S.L. Patterson of Coble township was in town yesterday. He did not give a very encouraging report on the condition of wheat in his section. Said that it was dying and that the prospect was poor.

Miss Elizabeth Harden and Master Wallace Taylor celebrated their 10th birthday with a joint party on Wednesday afternoon. Many little folks were present to enjoy the games and refreshments.

The building occupied by The Fair Department Store is to be remodeled on the inside at once, so as to give the store the use of the upstairs along with the downstairs. Graham Loan & Trust Co. is occupying the upstairs but will move to the house lately occupied by Mrs. C.S. Hunter, which is to be prepared for a temporary home for the Trust Co.

The Chautauqua will open in Burlington on the 21st and close on the 27th. The aggregation who go to make up a Chautauqua is composed of the best talent along all lines of uplifting entertainment and furnish a feast of good things. No one who attends can fail to be benefited in better thinking and better aspirations.

Mr. Thos. A. Albright, near Mebane, was in Graham Tuesday.

Mr. Lovick H. Kernodle is at home from Chapel Hill, where he has been in school.

Dr. J.J. Barefoot is attending the Medical Aviators meeting in Atlantic City this week.

Mr. Boyd Harden, in school at Chapel Hill, spent from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon at home.

Mr. Arthur Ezell, who has been living in Norfolk and Hamlet for several months, has returned and is now with Graham Grocery Co.

Mr. John D. Gunter of Carthage was here last Saturday enquiring after and shaking hands with old friends. He was a school boy here 40 years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Whittemore of Cedar Rapids arrived Monday on a visit to the former’s parent, Mr. and Mrs. G.S. Whittemore, near here. Mr. Whittemore was a regular army man and during the war was recruiting officer in Iowa and Nebraska and received his discharge in February. He had not seen his parents in about eight years.

On Saturday, June 14th, at 11 o’clock a.m. there will be a meeting of all interested tax-payers in the Court House at Graham for the purpose of considering the building of Federal Aid roads in Alamance County.

Among the Sick

Chas. C. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Thompson, is sick.

Vernon Smith, a lad of about 15 years, of this place, was operated on at Alamance Hospital Tuesday evening for appendicitis.

Last Saturday in the late afternoon while out at his farm some 2 ½ miles south of town, Mr. Henderson fell from his tractor and hurt himself severely on a sharp wheel cleat. He was carried to Alamance Hospital for surgical attention and is getting along nicely.

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