
Friday, June 14, 2019

Local News from Hickory, N.C., June 14, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, June 14, 1919

Local Notes

There were many sore arms in Hickory today and quite a few headaches as the result of vaccinations here yesterday by the state and county health authorities. There were hundreds vaccinated against typhoid fever and there will be other hundreds to take the first shot next Friday. The dispensary was in Newton today.

Mr. J.E. Wagoner, manager of the McLellan Stores Company, has resigned to go into business for himself in the city of Shelby. Their friends regret very much to lose Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner.

Mrs. A.W. Whitener, Mrs. H.L. Bushong, Mr. Stewart, F.G. and Misses Mildred and Helen Whitener returned last night from a motor trip through the mountains of western North Carolina. Mr. Rollin Morris joined the crowd at Asheville and drove the car home.

Mrs. C.W. Haley of Lenoir spent yesterday in Hickory.

Miss Mary Bumgarner left this morning for Gastonia where she will be joined by Miss Hallie Rea Mebane to visit friends in High Point, Winston-Salem and Burlington.

Miss Louise Alford of Smithfield is visiting Miss Sadie Menzies.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Lenneile, a daughter, Frances Katherine.

Mrs. W.P. Wilson and children of Madison are visiting her sister, Mrs. A.J. Essex.

Miss Nita Davis returned to her home in Waynesville today after spending some time with Mrs. A.P. Whitener.

Mrs. W.C. Goodall of Tampa, Fla., arrived yesterday to spend some time with Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Setzer.

Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Willard and family are spending some time in Montreat.

Miss Rachel Pugh returned last night from Washington and Baltimore, where she accompanied a party from Charlotte. At Washington she was the guest of Miss Kathleen Whitener.

Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Bradford are spending the week end in Lenoir with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Hatfield and children will leave tomorrow evening for Baltimore and Richmond. 

Mr. Hatfield will return in about 10 days but Mrs. Hatfield and children expect to be away for several weeks.

Miss Mary Dula of Lenoir spent several days with Mrs. J.L. Latta on her way home from Asheville.

Misses Frank and Rose Martin charmingly entertained the Do As You Please Club yesterday afternoon in honor of their house guests, Miss Eugenia Thomas, Miss Mary Ida Butler and Miss Louise Fleming. The invited guests were: Miss Virginia Allen, Miss Sadie Menzies, Miss Louise Alford of Smithfield and Miss Ruth McKinnon of Laurinburg. Five tables were arranged for hearts and a most enthusiastic hour was spent in play. The score prize, a box of stationery, was won by Mrs. Tom Pruitt and the guests of honor were given lovely pictures. A dainty luncheon followed the game.

Newton News Notes

Mrs. A.M. Wilson had a message today stating that her son, Robert Wilson, a member of the 318th engineers, 6th division, had arrived at Newport News, Va. Another son, Lieutenant Andrew Wilson, is still in France.

The college girls of Catawba county will meet in Newton next Saturday for the purpose of organizing a College Girls’ Society for Service. The meeting will be held at Catawba College. It will be an all day affair and a picnic dinner will be served on the college campus. Miss Ione Mebane is secretary.

J.S. Lancaster, proprietor of the Virginia Shipp hotel, has leased the St. Hubert Inn from its owners, J.W. Abernethy and Sheriff Isenhower, and will run it in connection with the Virginia Shipp. The rooms in the St. Hubert will be used for overflow crowds and summer boarders. Newton has never made much effort for summer boarders, but with these comfortable rooms and attractive location, it is possible to draw eastern Carolina people here for the summer.

Granite Falls

Privates Fred Nelson and George Deal returned this week from overseas. About all of our boys are home again. It seems like old times to have them with us and we are proud of them, too.

Protracted services will begin at the Methodist church tomorrow at 11 o’clock. The pastor, Rev. H.G. Allen, will be assisted by Rev. E.L. Hillman of Atlanta. The members are praying for a great revival. You are cordially invited to come and hear them.

Rev. H.G. Allen returned yesterday from the Sunday school at Trinity and the Epworth League conference at Charlotte.


A marriage which came as a surprise to their many friends took place at the Reformed parsonage Thursday evening when Mr. Julius W. Abernethy and Miss Frances Schrum of Newton were united in marriage, Rev. W.W. Rowe officiating.

The bride is one of Newton’s handsomest and most popular young ladies, belonging to one of the most prominent families of Catawba county and her marriage will be of interest to hundreds of friends. Mr. Abernethy is a rising young business man of Newton and he likewise is a favorite in a large circle of friends. After a bridal trip to northern cities the young couple will return to Newton to make their home.


Card of Thanks

Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Bruner take this method of expressing their appreciation for the many kindnesses shown them during the illness and death of their beloved infant, Norman. The following verses written by a neighbor are highly appreciated by the family:

Why was he taken—the baby dear?
Is he gone to a land that is so far?
Sure he was our love, our hope, our cheer,
Thank God he’s in Heaven, our shining star.

His cradle is empty here, we know;
His cooing, childish laughter is so still,
He’s up in Heaven where Angels go
We can only say, Jesus, have thy will.

“Mama and Daddy and all the rest
I’ll be in Heaven your bright shining star
Here for you in the land of the blest
A bright shining light that is seen afar.”

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