
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Plenty of Food at 4th of July Celebration, But Please--No Liquor, June 26, 1919

From the editorial page of the Watauga Democrat, Boone, N.C., June 26, 1919

The 4th of July Celebration

Arrangements for the Fourth of July Celebration to be held in Boone are being made as rapidly as possible, and, the weather being favorable, we confidently expect the greatest gathering that ever assembled here. This being the case, it behooves every family to prepare a basket of the best food procurable, for, to feed such a multitude, is quite an undertaking, even if the county is interested. The ladies composing the township committees, are again reminded of the fact that it is a duty incumbent upon them to look well after the baskets, as well as their quota of cash for incidental expense—in fact, the more cash and dinner they raise, the more certain are we all of the splendid success we expect. It goes without saying that Boone will do her full share in entertaining her honored guests—the soldiery of three wars, and it is the idea of all to crowd all the innocent pleasure possible not that day for those who so richly deserve it, and any interruption will not be tolerated. The utmost confidence is placed in the soldier that they will abstain from drinking n that day—they could not afford to disgrace their uniforms, and should any one else decide to “fill up on corn liquor” for the purpose of making an exhibit of himself on that day, will be promptly attended to by the town or county authorities. This is given out as a note of warning, and it is earnestly hoped that not a single citizen of this county or other visitor, will fall into the grasp of an officer on account of liquor. It is to be handled roughly, no matter who the offender may be.

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