
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We Want Another LaFrance Motor Truck and Pump, June 11, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, June 11, 1919

Another Motor Truck for Hickory

City council last night rejected all bids for an auxiliary fire truck and instructed City Manager Ballew to advertise for bids for another motor truck and pump similar to the big machine that has done such efficient work since it was installed here several years ago. The first proposal was for an auxiliary truck carrying chemicals and a few yards of hose, but the splendid work of the LaFrance truck has convinced firemen and the council that a better investment for the city would be another fire-fighting machine like it.

The manner in which the big truck, with its pump, smothered the flames in the Elliott Knitting Mills a week ago was the final argument in favor of twin motor trucks. Owing to a closed street, the truck was a little late n getting to the scene, but it rendered great service. Three streams of water literally knocked the fire out.

Chief Harry Whitener has contended that another machine like it would be worth thousands of dollars each year to the town. In case two fires should occur at the same time, there would be an engine for each. A stubborn fire would have twice as much work to eat its way into other buildings. Any way the proposition is considered, an additional truck is a good investment, and this is the view of manufacturers who are willing to pay a part of the cost.

Specifications were presented last night for an auditorium 50 by 60 feet and four extra class rooms for the South school. The auditorium is needed and the extra class rooms will be needed in a few years at the present rate of growth of the school population and council will take care of the situation now. Plans were ordered drawn by Mr. Herman and presented at the next meeting.


Two Great Needs of Hickory Now

Hickory people realize the need of an auditorium and many new homes more than at any other time in the city’s history. Everywhere one goes the question of an auditorium is brought up.

No plans have been worked out for such a building, however, and none are in prospect, but there should be steps taken to get such a building as soon as possible.

There is nothing to prevent this city from becoming a great convention center except lack of facilities. 
Another hotel is needed, and it might be a hotel catering especially to tourists.

More important just now than the auditorium are new homes for people who want to come here. These would ring people here who would help to improve the whole community.

Try This Plan (from the editorial page)

The cost of labor and materials is high. Notwithstanding this face, the Record believes that a mass meeting of business men could be called at the Chamber of Commerce any night this week that would result in the erection of at least 50 cottages and bungalows in Hickory this summer.
Hickory business men would attend. One man would take the floor and offer to erect two or three houses. Another would offer to do the same thing. Others would come forward with one house. Fifty or more houses would be assured during the summer.

And Hickory would take a flying start this summer. That is what the Record wants to see. The money invested might not pay big immediate profits, but it would be in good property and would be of direct and indirect benefit to the whole community.
The Record urges that this plan be tried.

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