
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Death Notices From The Carolina Watchman, Salisbury, July 9, 1919

From The Carolina Watchman, Salisbury, N.C., Wednesday, July 9, 1919


John Butner Foard died at his home at South River on the Davie county side Monday morning. Mr. Foard was born at South River and was a farmer. He was a Confederate veteran. The funeral and burial took place at Third Creek church near Cleveland Tuesday morning. He was a prominent man and leaves a large circle of relatives and hundreds of acquaintances who will learn with sorrow of his death. His wife, nee Miss Laura Graham, three sons, J.I. W.G. and J.Y. Foard and four daughters, Mesdames Wm. Mac Miller. H.S. Trott, Misses Mary and Laura Foard.

Mrs. Ellen Miller Wright, wife of George W. Wright, prominent furniture dealer, died Monday afternoon at her home on South Fulton street after having been critically ill for several days. Besides the husband, four children survive, these being John and Joe Wright and Mrs. C.A. Kluttz and Mrs. H. Uzzle of Salisbury. Four children are dead. Mrs. Wright was 59 years old and a native of Salisbury. The funeral was held at the residence Tuesday afternoon and the interment at Chestnut Hill, Rev. C.A. Owen, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating.

Floyd Plummer, aged 21, son of James Plummer, local druggist, died yesterday afternoon following an illness of many months. The funeral will be from the First Methodist church this evening.

Mrs. W.G. Morgan, aged 56, and the mother of 18 children, 14 of whom, with the husband, survived, died at noon Monday at her home on East Liberty street following a very brief illness. Mrs. Morgan was a native of Montgomery county, but the family had lived here 22 years, three sons having recently returned from service in France. The funeral was held from the Park Avenue Methodist church.

James L. Russell, aged 56, a contractor, died at Durham July 5th from kidney trouble after being critically ill for a week. The body was taken to Statesville for interment. Mr. Russell’s widow was formerly Miss Addie Rickert of Salisbury. They were married last November.

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