
Monday, July 1, 2019

Dr. Shuford, Nurse Wicker Return, Local Hospital Opens Doors Again, July 1, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, July 1, 1919. I found the above photo on the Web. I don't know the year it was taken.

Local Hospital Opens Doors Again

The Richard Baker Hospital, which closed in December, 1917, while its surgeon and proprietor, Dr. J.H. Shuford went to war, was formally reopened today, nearly 18 months later. In the meantime its surgeon has seen service in France, where he went as captain and returned with the rank of major and much experience in his profession.

The reopening of the hospital will be good news to the people of Hickory and this entire section. Dr. Shuford has been eminently successful as a surgeon and Richard Baker Hospital, well located, has been a real blessing to the community.

Miss Ruth Wicker, formerly with the hospital, is expected home in a few weeks from France, where she went in Major Shuford’s unit, and will return to Hickory to assume the duties of head nurse. Four nurses already have been secured and as many more will be employed soon.

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