
Friday, July 12, 2019

Franklin Board of County Commissioners Conducts Business, July 1919

From The Franklin Times, Louisburg, N.C., Friday, July 11, 1919

The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session on Monday with all members present. After approving the minutes of previous meetings, business was transacted as follows:

By unanimous vote the Board authorized the County Tax Supervisor, Mr. T.W. Watson, to pay his assistant a salary not to exceed the maximum allowed by law; and to employ what extra help he may deem necessary.

J.P. Timberlake was appointed to take charge of Louisburg Township roads.

J.R. Wiggins was allowed $4 per day as salary Superintendent, Louisburg roads.

A motion was lost to allow J.C. Matthews rebate on tax.

Report of H.A. Kearney, Sheriff, was received and filed.

Report of J.J. Holden, Superintendent of County Home was received and filed. He reports nine white and nine colored inmates.

An appropriation of $150 was made to the Fire Company.

F.B. McKinne, J.Y. Beasley and Hugh W. Perry were appointed Road Trustees for Louisburg Township, provided however that they carry out the contracts and assume the obligations made and assumed by the Board of County Commissioners pertaining to said Louisburg township roads.

The Sheriff and register of deeds were appointed a committee to wait upon the janitor and secure a prompt performance of his duties or his resignation.

Report of Dr. J.E. Malone, County Health Officer, was received and filed.

Returns of Wood Special School election were received and canvassed. The election was declared carried.

It was ordered that a note in the sum of $1,900 be executed in favor of Leonard and Holloway, payable Dec. 2, 1919, for six mules purchased for Louisburg Township Roads, be signed by J.P. Timberlake as Chairman and attested by S.C. Holden, Clerk to the Board, and that a note in the sum of $575 be executed in favor of F.B. McKinne payable Dec. 2, 1919, for two mules for Louisburg Township Roads, both to be dated June 2nd, 1919.

The finance committee was instructed to borrow money to defray current expenses.

In a joint session with the County Board of Education three men were placed in nomination for county Welfare Agent. A vote was taken and resulted as follows: J.C. Jones 6, J.N. Harris 2, J.L. Palmer 1. Jones was declared elected.

The following delegates are appointed to attend the Good Roads Convention: F.B. McKinne, J.W. Winston, A.H. Vann, M.G. Gupton, G.M. Raynor, W.P. Wilson, G.S. Earp, J.M. Sykes, Henry Beddingfield, F.W. Justice.

An election was allowed in Cedar Rock School District to issue Bonds for $7,500 for the purpose of erecting a school building.

The returned of the Recorder’s Court were received and canvassed. The vote stood For 309; Against 683. The court was defeated.

After allowing a number of accounts the Board adjourned to Monday, July 14th, when they will meet as a Board of Equalization.

Jurors Selected

The Board, with the assistance of the Sheriff, drew the jury for the August term of Franklin Superior Court, for the trial of Civil Cases.

First Week

Dunns—John T. Avent
Harris—W.R. Rogers, S.T. Holmes
Youngsville—D.W. Spivey, Halley Perry
Franklinton—W.R. Winston
Sandy Creek—B.L. Carroll, H.G. Breedlove, Preston Breedlove, J.E. Collins
Gold Mine—S.T. Leonard
Cedar Rock—J.T. Fisher, T.H. Dickens
Louisburg—H.C. Taylor, E. Odom, O.W. Perry, J.J. Driver, S.M. Phelps

Second Week

Dunns—Alex Arnold, D.S. Alford
Harris—Wm. R. Young, J.M. Moore, C.V. Floyd
Youngsville—M.D. Ladin, W.H. Hudson
Franklinton—W.L. Allen, R.M. Bunn
Sandy Creek—J.C. Foster, C.C. Inscoe
Gold Mine--Battle Wester
Cedar Rock—E.D. Parrish
Louisburg—W.T. Hedgepeth, W.H. Holmes, J.S. Howell, P.R. White, J.M. Joyner.

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