
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Local News From Hickory Daily Record, July 2, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, July 2, 1919

Local Notes

Mr. J.A. Bechtler of Baltimore, Md., is spending a vacation in Hickory, the guest of Mrs. A.L. Whitener.

The condition of Mrs. Geo. W. Hahn, who has been critically ill for some weeks, was slightly improved today.

Misses Mary Willie and Jajol of Lenoir stopped over in Hickory this morning on their way from Richmond.

The many friends of Mrs. K.A. Price will regret to know that she met a painful accident Saturday when she fell and fractured a bone in her foot. She is visiting at the home of her father in Broadway, Va., and the accident occurred there.

Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Jones and daughter of Farmville are guests of Mrs. W.N. Martin.

Mr. Chas. Hice of Lincolnton was a Hickory business visitor today.

Rev. and Mrs. S.B. Stroup have returned from Henderson, where they attended the funeral of his brother.

Mrs. C.L. Matheson of Taylorsville is the guest of Mrs. T.F. Stevenson.

The stores of Hickory will be closed on Friday, July 4. The Record will not be issued on that day.

Miss Inez Tipton will return to her home in Elizabeth, Tenn., tomorrow after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. O. Simmons.

Mr. R.C. Young had green corn out of his garden today and Mr. N.A. Yount, who carries Route 5, knows that the corn was good, the carrier fetching some home, thanks to his good friend.

Rev. C.M. Campbell of Charlotte, who has been looking after business interests in the city, is attending a conference in Marshville. Rev. Mr. Campbell will return to the city Monday. During his absence, Mrs. Campbell is with her sister, Mrs. V.D. Brown.

Mrs. Donald of Greensboro is spending several days in the city, the guest of Mrs. H.C. Dixon.

Mrs. R.G. Pope delightfully entertained Tuesday evening in honor of her little daughter, Margaret, who celebrated her sixth birthday. There were about 45 little friends present and they enjoyed the evening immensely. After playing various games, delicious ice cream and cake and chewing gum were served. Little Margaret received many pretty and useful gifts.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lookabaugh have returned from Chicago, where they spent their vacation.

The Senior Philathea class of the Presbyterian church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. L.B. Spivey last night. In addition to the regular members the following visitors were welcomed: Dr. and Mrs. E.M. Craig, Mrs. Deal and Mrs. Matheson of Taylorsville.

Mrs. A.A. Shuford Jr. and children, Alex and Harley, are in Asheville this week.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Simmons have returned from New York where they attended the Edison Convention. They stopped over in Washington on their way back. They brought back many new and up-to-date ideas and report a delightful time in the northern cities.

Mr. O.M. Jones of Asheville is spending a few days in the city.


Dr. and Mrs. T.F. Stevenson have received an announcement from Cooleemee of the marriage of their son, Louis, to Miss Lucy Blount, daughter of the late Judge Blount of Davie County. The young couple have the best wishes of a host of friends among whom they are popular. Mr. Stevenson and bride are expected Friday for a visit to his parents.

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