
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

People and Events, French Broad Hustler, July 31, 1919

From the French Broad Hustler, Hendersonville, N.C., July 31, 1919

People and Events by Miss Mattie Stansel, Reporter

Lieut. Blanton Belk returned last week from overseas and will be with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. G.W. Belk for a while.

Edgar A. Livingston, who has been serving in the navy about two years, received his discharge from Norfolk, Va., and returned to his home at Fletcher a few days ago.

Little Edith Stamey was accidentally shot at her home in Brevard recently. She was brought to Patton Memorial Hospital for an operation and is reported as resting comfortably.

Mrs. J.B. Mercer of Wilmington is visiting Mrs. M.R. Allen.

Rev. George W. Belk has recently returned from his western trip.

J.P. Carter visited friends here recently enroute to Richton.

Dr. E.E. Bomar returned last Friday from Mars Hill.

Miss Kathrine Drane of Edenton is visiting Miss Alice Latham.

Miss Florence Blair of High Point was a guest of Misses Rosa and Lois Edwards recently.

Miss Eleanor Sargeant has returned from a visit to Miss Louise Brown at her summer home in Asheville.

Mrs. T.E. Cox, who has been visiting her mother, has returned to Jacksonville, Fla.

Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Jenkins of Louisville, Ky.,  have been guests of Mrs. A.H. Williams at Edgemont.

Miss Marcelle Babb of Spartan Inn, S.C., is a guest of Miss Anna Fay Keith on Seventh Avenue, east.

Miss Daisy Porcher of Asheville has been a recent guest of Miss Charlotte Drayton at Flat Rock.

Alfred Hubert of Charleston is with Mrs. J.M. McCullough at Flat Rock for an indefinite stay.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grimball of Charleston have taken a cottage at Highland Lake for the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Berkley Grimball of Charleston are occupying their summer home at Flat Rock.

Miss Hannah Kantrowitz is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kantrowitz.

Miss Dora Patta of Charleston, who spends every somer here, is with Mrs. Bude on Toms’ Hill this season.

Mrs. Grady Justus and children are visiting her sisters, Misses Marie and Leona Lane, at Rugby.

Mrs. Charles Nichols of Asheville is with her sister, Mrs. Pender at Rugby for an indefinite stay.

John Hefner of Spartanburg has been visiting his father, Lee Hefner, at Rugby.

Will Wall of Spartanburg is making a stay of several weeks in this section.

Scot Coburn, who was so seriously hurt several weeks ago, is not expected to live.

Little Mary Louise Fuller is spending the summer with her grand-father C.M. Fuller and family.

Mrs. James Long has returned to Spartanburg after visiting friends in this section.

Mrs. Lawrence Long of Spartanburg is visiting her father, E.M. Youngblood at Fletcher.

Mrs. J.C. Morgan has come from her country home near town to her summer home on Flemming street.

Miss Mattie Kiser of St. George, S.C., is a guest of Mrs. Roy C. Bennett on Hyman Heights.

Harry V. Holmes, who spent his vacation with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Whitaker, has returned to Goldsboro.

Miss Sarah Miller is pianist and Miss Louise Browning is choir director in the Millers Browning meetings at Landrum, S.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Whitaker gave a motor party to Chimney Rock recently in honor of their guest, Harry V. Holmes of Goldsboro.

Little George Burroughs, son of Mrs. Donald M. Burroughs, at J.W. Garren’s fell from the porch and cut his head badly on a rock.

Joe Wilkie and daughters, Misses Anna and Mary, who have been with relatives at Fletcher, have returned to Summerton, S.C.

Misses Cora Livingston, who teaches at Tuxedo, and her sisters Bessie and Ruth from Fletcher, spent last Saturday with friends in town.

Miss Rose Lewis and brother A. Lewis, who have been to Boston, Mass., New York City, etc., buying goods, have come home.

Mr. and Mrs. H.T. McFall and family of Anderson, S.C., came last week for a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Alph.

Mrs. C.J. Valley’s guests of this week have been Mr. and Mrs. John Brooks and Miss Robert Williams of Greenville, S.C., all relatives of Mrs. Valley.

The week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Sargent at Laurel Park were R.L. Bowen and Frank Hart of Anderson, S.C.

Paul R. Vincent of Belle Rain, Iowa, who spent a week here with friends, has gone to Florida.

F.S. Wetmur had gone to Iowa for 10 days. He was accompanied by his son-in-law, J.S. Stackhouse.

Mrs. Wininger, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. F.S. Wetmur, for some time has gone to South Dakota to visit a daughter.

Mrs. S.W. Jarnagin and two children are at “Bed Briar,” the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W.M. McPheeters.

Miss Elizabeth Sossamon has accepted work in the office of Dr. Erskine Ehringhaus during the busy season.

C.M. Fuller has gone to Lumberton to look after business interests before going to St. Louis to purchase horses, mules, etc.

Miss Carson Horne has returned from a motor trip to Wadesboro where she visited her brother and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Ives, accompanied by Mrs. Wood, arrived at their summer home on Mt. Hebron Drive last week.

Rev. W.N. Flanders is expecting to return to Kernsville, Texas, this week. He will be accompanied by Dr. Walker on Sixth avenue.

Miss Hattie Livingstone has returned to Fletcher after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Flynn. Miss Livingstone is preparing to teach near Fletcher.

Mrs. M.F. Moores and children, MIldred, Lois and Martha, have gone to Asheville to visit the former’s mother. Before returning home, they will spend awhile at Concord and Statesville.

Capt. and Mrs. Charles H. Drayton, with their little son Charles, of Charleston, are with the former’s mother, Mrs. C.H. Drayton at Flat Rock for the summer.

Mrs. A.E. Sample’s only brother, Rev. J.F. Cannon, D.D., who was one of the speakers at the Montreat Missionary Conference, spent a few days here with Mrs. Sample before returning to St. Louis, Mo.

Under the auspices of the Parish Aid Society of Flat Rock, a Bridge party was given at Parsonfields recently for the benefit of Baley hospital at Saluda. The amount realized was $15.

Mrs. Robert Fletcher, who has been visiting the family of J.A. Fletcher for several weeks, has returned to Durham with her father, Mrs. Snyder.

Sam Fitzsimmons of Charleston is visiting his father at Flat Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hart and son, who have been with Mr. Hart’s mother, Mrs. A.E. Hart, motored to their home at High Point last week. They expect to return.

Rev. F.D. Hunt, a Presbyterian evangelist who once lived here, spent several days with friends here last week. Rev. Mr. Hunt was en route of Snowville, Va., to see relatives.

At Highland Lake Inn Wednesday evening, July 30, at 8:30 o’clock, the Parish Aid Society of Flat Rock gave a tableaux followed by dancing in costumes. The proceeds will be used for the baby Hospital at Saluda.

Mrs. S.M. Howard is having a family reunion. Mrs. Mattie Goodspeed and son, Fred, from Clinton, Iowa; Mrs. F.A. Thompson and two children from Stearns, Ky., will stay until September. Miss Josephine Howard of Charlotte comes Sunday for a two-week’s stay. Lawrence Howard with Supt. Howard and family of Asheville were here last week for a brief stay.

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