
Monday, August 19, 2019

Advice to Farmers From F.G. Tarbox Jr., Aug. 19, 1919

From The Commonwealth, Scotland Neck, N.C., Aug. 19, 1919

Farm Notes

By F.G. Tarbox Jr., County Agent, Enfield, N.C.

Don’t forget the army worms. Although those which have been eating the soy beans may seem to be disappearing, this is only because the worms have become full grown, and have gone in the ground to change to a moth. As soon as the moths come out, they will at once begin laying eggs for another outbreak of worms. Just how bad this second brood will be remains yet to be seen. It will probably be from the 10th to the 15th of September before they will be noticed coming out. Use the same poisons which were recommended in last week’s papers.

The fall army worm has not been reported in Halifax county yet, but this does not mean that it will not get here. Remember that this worm destroys corn, millet, sorghum and all grass crops. Keep a close watch and report to your county agent as soon as these worms begin eating corn or grasses on your farm.

The Division of Markets at Raleigh is preparing to issue another live stock bulletin in September. In this bulletin are listed, free of charge, all pure bred live stock of good grade stock which the farmer has for sale. Farmers who have any such stock for sale should get in touch with the county agent and take advantage of this method of selling the stock. These bulletins are sent all over the state, to all county agents, and those who desire to take advantage of this offer may profit by it. Those who have seed for sale should notify the county agent of this also, stating the kind, variety and price asked per bushel. At present there is a demand for such seed as Abruzzi Rye, Appler Oats, Clover, etc. The farmer can sell quite a lot of surplus material if he will but keep the county agent posted as to what he has for sale.

Don’t forget to sow some grass pasture this fall. Mixed grass and clover pastures in Martin county have been valued at over $200 an acre. By sowing a mixture of the following grasses, one can have plenty of grazing for stock and save a great deal in feed. Orchard grass 8 pounds, Red Top 8 pounds, Italian Rye Grass 8 pounds, Alsike Clover 8 pounds, White Clover 4 pounds, Red Clover 4 pounds. This mixture can be bought for $14.50. It makes a total of 44 pounds of seed per acre, but this is not too much if we expect to get a good stand. The land for good pasture should be thoroughly broken two or three weeks before sowing the seed, and a heavy application of lime harrowed in. At the time of sowing the seed, a liberal application of commercial fertilizer should be used. Your county agent will be glad to give any further information requested about planting permanent pasture. Good pastures mean good stock and cheaper stock. Without a good pasture, the production of stock is rather high priced.

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