
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Airplane Will Be Shown at Newton Celebration, Recruiters Will Be On Hand, Aug. 13, 1919

From The Hickory Daily Record, Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1919

Airplane Is Sure in Newton Today

Newton, Aug. 13—A recruiting party, consisting of Corporal Marrow and Privates Dawson and Castle, arrived here this morning from Greensboro and will be located for two days in front of the court house. They left Greensboro Monday morning, stopping over in High Point and Salisbury. 

During the celebration tomorrow they can be found in front of the court house where they will give information to discharged men concerning back pay, victory buttons and the new schools that are being installed in the country for the benefit of Uncle Sam’s soldiers.

Corporal Marrow reports that man of the boys are taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the army by enlisting in the aerial corps and motor transport corps to learn a trade.

Anyone wishing to receive information about any branch of the army, war insurance, or parents who have a son in the service and would like to inquire about him can get the information desired from these men who will be in front of the court house for two days.

The government plane will arrive at Newton about 4 o’clock this afternoon and will land on the athletic field at Catawba college.

Hundreds of visitors have already arrived at Newton for the celebration. The hotels are filling up and many private homes report many visitors. The streets and homes have been beautifully decorated, yards and yards of bunting being gracefully draped and thousands of flags floating to the breeze.

Mayor L.F. Long arrived home this morning from an extended visit to the north and Canada and will deliver an address of welcome at 12 o’clock tomorrow.

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