
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Births to Deaths and Everything Else in Polk County, N.C., Aug. 15, 1919

From the Polk County News and the Tryon Bee, August 15, 1919


Only three rattlers this week. Rattlers are the deadly enemy of every living thing, especially human, and if we do not care for people knowing how snaky this place is, no one else need not care. In fact, people ought to know when they are on visiting on dangerous ground.

Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Jackson were away from home one day last week and left the small children in charge of Minnie, a 12 or 14; year-old girl. She discovered a rattle snake in the yard making toward the house. She at once procured a hoe and returned to find Mr. Snake actually coming up the steps. She immediately removed his head. She is a little heroine. How can we face the judgment if we fail to warn strangers of this deadly enemy.

John Patty and son of Asheville visited his brother, Dave, a few days last week.

Wm. Mason of Greenville, S.C., visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller, last week.

A man by the name of Roberts, who says he is a Missionary Baptist, was in this section a few days back.

M.C. Hill and son visited his sister, Mrs. T.C. Laughter, staying over night last week.

J.B. Bradley went to Hendersonville Friday last.

Misses Pearl Laughter and Flora Bradley went to Hendersonville one day last week to have some dental work done.

Wm. Morgan of Topward is visiting his daughter, Mrs. N. Case. Mr. Morgan lost his wife last week.

Sometimes butter is made and sold, we are told, from places where the ones that make it do not use it. Are they not murders in a sense?


Mr. Grant Mills and Miss Emma Shehan were happily married last Sunday. We wish them a long and happy life.

Miss Mossie Edward spent Friday night with Miss Bessie Thompson.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Waldrop and Mrs. J.B. Dalton spent Saturday and Sunday in Rutherfordton visiting relatives.

Mr. Grayson Turner and wife have returned home from Macon, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moore spent Sunday at Mrs. E. Taylor’s.

Johnie Thompson of Gray’s Chapel, spent Sunday at E.G. Thompson’s.

Mr. Grayson Turner and wife spent Saturday night at Mr. W.T. Williams’.

Mr. Terrell Hartan and family visited at Mr. M.C. Gosnell’s Sunday.

Harley Foy and wife spent Sunday at Mr. John Foy’s.

Mrs. McGuinn of Asheville visited her mother, Mrs. Eliza Dimsdale, at Mr. W.J. Wilson’s Sunday.

Lee Cochrum and wife, of Sandy Plains were the guests of Mr. M.C. Gosnell, Sunday.

Mr. Harley Jackson and Mr. Grady Melton were pleasant callers at Mr. Billie Wilson’s Sunday.

Mr. Richard Jolly and Mr. Sam Tipton of Chesnee, S.C., spent Thursday night at Mr. W.R. Turner’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Younge of Lincolnton, Ga., visited relatives here last week.


There will be a meeting of the Columbus Betterment Association Saturday afternoon, Aug. 16.

Stearns High School opens Monday, Aug. 18, with Mr. E.W.S. Cobb, principal; Miss Emma McNich, assistant principal; Miss Pendergast, high school teacher; Miss Boone, Grammar teacher; Mrs. J.W. Jack, primary teacher; and Miss Failor as Domestic Science and Music teacher.

Mrs. Lizzie Wood, Mrs. Harvey Cofield and Miss Ruth Weaver of Tryon spent Sunday in Columbus.

Mrs. R.M. Hill and family spent last week with relatives in Rutherfordton.

Mrs. Mae and Annie Lois Mills returned home Saturday after spending a week with relatives in Spartanburg.

Mrs. Charles Davenport returned home last week after an extended visit with relatives in Hendersonville.

Attorney Spear and wife have moved to Columbus.

Miss Ruby Shields of Greens Creek is visiting her cousins, Misses Feagan at this writing. Miss Leona, Corine and Jeanette Feagan returned home last week after an extended visit with relatives in Greens Creek.

Mountain View

Mrs. H.H. McCrain had a severe attack of neuralgia last week, but is improving.

Mrs. L.B. McGraw was the dinner guest of Mrs. H.H. McCrain Tuesday.

Miss Alma Corn was a caller of Miss Alice McCrain Monday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. McCrain spent Friday night with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L.D. Gilbert.

Miss Alice Jackson was a visitor of Miss Alice McCrain Sunday.

Mrs. L.B. McCraw was a caller of Mrs. H.H. McCrain Sunday.

Mr. Barnett McCrain is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R.L.D. Gilbert.

Mt Lebanon

Mr. Will Burke of South Carolina, who was bitten by a mad dog, went to Mr. E.L. McGuinn’s to the mad stone.

Mr. Jesse Green is very poorly at this time.

The Mt. Lebanon school is progressing nicely. Miss Minnie McBride of Spartanburg, S.C., is teacher.

Mr. Frank Dimsdale and Miss Myrtle Whitesides were happily married on last Sunday. Mr. Furman Jackson performed the ceremony between Columbus and Tryon in the presence of relatives and friends. They left for Kansas City accompanied by their brother, Henry Dimsdale. We wish them a long and happy life and much joy.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haynes spent Saturday night at Rev. W.C. Walker’s at Mill Spring.

M.H. Gilbert made a trip to Asheville last week.

Mr. and Mrs. T.N. Wilson visited relatives in Mill Spring Friday.

Messrs. Hoyt Thompson and Gaither Johnson are attending the singing school at Silver Creek.

Messrs. Herschel and Hoyt Thompson spent the week-end near Saluda, the guests of Mr. B. Arledge.

Mr. and Mrs. Logan Johnson and children spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. J.B. Thompson’s.

Miss Etta Thompson and brother, Hoyt, were in Hendersonville last Wednesday.

Mill Spring Route 2

Miss Pearl Gibbs was a dinner guest of Miss Grace Gibbs last Sunday.

Mrs. Arkansas McGuinn from Asheville visited her sister, Mrs. D.P. McGuinn last Sunday, also her mother, on Route 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lynch from Columbia are visiting relatives here.

Mrs. O.L. Wilson and daughter, Miss Bernice from Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantrell and Mr. garner Skipper were pleasant visitors at Mrs. S.J. Helton’s last week.

Melvin Hill

Mr. John Webb died at his home near here last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Webb has been a member of the church here for some time, and was found still in the Faith when the end came. He leaves a wife, a father, mother, four sisters and three brothers, to whom we extend sympathy.

Little Madge, the twin baby of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Reed, who are visiting relatives up in Alleghany county, died recently of cholera infantum. Mr. and Mrs. Reed are expected home sometime this month.

Mrs. Branscom, who has been sic, is sufficiently improved to be out at church last Sunday.

Messrs. Columbus and Judson Ridings, brothers, who were n Uncle Sam’s service, have recently arrived home.

Miss Mamie Cantrell is attending music school at Chesne at present.

Mr. G.C. Feagan is making some additions to his home residence at the old home place.

Mr. Claud Gilbert is preparing to build himself a new residence.

Mr. O.R. Steadman is also building a new house to live in.

Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton, who used to reside here, are proud parents of a fine boy, who arrived last Saturday evening.

Quite a number from here went to the ice cream supper at Sandy Spring last Saturday night.

The young folks enjoyed a singing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith Saturday night; also at Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cantrell’s home Sunday evening.

The question for debate here next Saturday night is “Resolved that the divorce law should be abolished.” Affirmative, Messrs. C.O. Ridings of Sandy Springs; J.W. Stacy, W.B. Feagan of this place. Negative, Mr. John Hayes of Aboline, kMessrs. G.C. Feagan and Wilber McGinnis. Everybody invited to come out, with the promise of hearing some good speaking.

Red Mountain

Mr. E.L. Jackson, who has been ill for quite a while, passed away Saturday and was buried Monday in Cooper Gap cemetery. His friends and relatives have our sympathy.

Miss Lavinia Jolly is visiting her father this week, Mrs. Charlie Dimsdale, who is very ill.

Little Edna Wilson is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. W.A. Ruff, this week.

Mr. Hamp Ruff, who has been at Spartanburg, S.C., for the past week, came home Saturday.

Miss Mamie Gilbert was the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.A. Ruff, Mondya.

Miss Naomi Dimsdale spent Saturday night with Miss Sue Jones.

Well, Sunny View, Route 2, is being us sowing turnip seed, so let’s get busy and see what we can find.

Tryon Route 1

Up with the wings of the morning the mind begins a new day free from the cares of yesterday, I’ll pen a few happenings of Route 1 and vicinity.

Many are the happy mountain parties seen flocking to the mountains for a pleasant recreation and to view the splendors of nature’s domes, some journeying in trucks, cars, cycles, wagons, the old buckboard wagon was so heavily loaded one half had to walk, and my, what a time, seemed to be enjoying themselves far more than any.

One returned from a party given in honor of two soldier boys, Messrs. Ed Barber and Boney Arledge, Mr. Overland misbehaved and ran badly into a bank, throwing Miss Elsie Edwards out and severely hurting her arm. The other occupants, Miss Bessie Hamilton and Mr. Walter Edward, escaped with only severe bumps.

Mr. W.M. Heague returned Saturday from Cane Creek, S.C., where he had taken the four little ophan children of Mr. Joe Edwards. Mr. E.B. Edwards and daughter, Pearl, accompanied them to Spartanburg, S.C.

We hear much praise given Miss Burgess as teacher of Beulah school.

Another school is progressing nicely on Lightning Rod Ridge, conducted by Miss McMurray.

Mr. Milo Foster of Landrum, S.C., was on the route Saturday. He says the corn crop is short on his river plantation.

Mr. Paul Hamilton cycled to Hemlock Falls last evening and was much enthused over the beautiful scenery on the new highway.


Mrs. W.B. Valentine has returned after spending a fortnight in Anderson, S.C., and is again atThirty Springs.

Mr. Todd, who for three years has been serving Uncle Sam in Cuba, spent the week-end at Hillcrest.

Mrs. J.T. Camp left Monday for San Antonio and other points in Texas.

Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Shields motored to Spartanburg, S.C., Friday.

Messrs. Floyd Walker and Stanford Spurlin carried a jolly crowd to Chimney Rock Saturday.

Miss Annie Ray Putnam of Shelby is the guest of her cousin, Miss Ruby Putnam.


Mr. J. Twitty Thompson had some kind of misunderstanding with one of his mules one day last week and wherefore Mr. T. proceeded to mount so as to be in better position to have his orders or desires carried out, but just at the twinkling of the eye his muleship seriously objected to his master’s mount and therefore, before a compromise would be made Mr. T. found himself 10 or 15 parts of a hundred feet from Mr. Mule with a very painful and serious experience, a collar bone broken. At this time he is getting along nicely.

Judging from the amount of building material that is being hauled up the mountain there is something doing up there. You had better keep your eye on these mountain people. High prices and high cost of living don’t affect them much, they are just living higher than other folks by several hundred feet.

The Tryon Hosiery Mfg. Co. installed a new shaping form for shaping and drying hosier. A metal board in place of the wood board is used. Every board has a supply pipe that furnishes steam to dry the goods on the board, thus economizing the time, labor and steam—a decided improvement over the present mode of shaping and drying of hosiery.

Mr. Dewey Lewis has accepted a position as night clerk at one of the hotels in Asheville, in that noted city of the “Land of the Sky.”

The church people will have to hustle if they get those windows and doors in before winter weather.

It’s now rumored that the Mimosa is to be rebuilt. If so, we will be glad. Then, with a new and modern church and school building, also improved, and modern machinery, good comfortable cottages installed by the Hosiery company will have a very progressive sound to it.

The ladies were still on their job selling ice cream Saturday evening, for aiding on the new church building.

Material is now being placed on the ground for an addition to the school building.

It is reported that we are to have 8 months school with three teachers.

We were sorry to see our neighbor, J.L. Jackson, nursing a sore hand from an accident that took place at his store in Tryon, one day last week.

Mrs. L.V. Randall of Spartanburg is visiting her mother, Mrs. J.H. Lane in Lynn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. White of High Point is the guest of Mrs. White’s father, Postmaster Cannon.

Miss Glamie Holbert has returned from a two weeks’ visit to friends and relatives in Forest City.

Mrs. L.T. Blackwell and children of Spartanburg are vising relatives in Lynn.

Mr. D.A. Goodman of Flat Rock was calling on relatives and friends in Lynn last week.

Maple Grove

Mr. Willie Mills had the very bad luck of a girl breaking his leg last Sunday.

Miss Pearl Gibbs was a dinner guest of her brother, Mr. U.S. Gibbs, last Sunday.

Mr. Wheeler Odell visited Mrs. Wilburn Gibbs last Saturday.

Mr. U.S. Gibbs spent Saturday night with his mother, Mrs. W.W. Gibbs.

Messrs. Will Corn, King Stepp and Claude Wilson made a business trip to Asheville last week.

Mrs. Kansas McGuinn from Asheville was visiting in this section Sunday.

Mr. Gallert Odell from near Big Level was in this section Sunday.

Mr. Noah Lynch was a caller at Mr. Bud Laughter’s, Sunday.

Miss Ida Smallwood has returned home from Virginia, where she has been visiting Mr. Smallwood for the past few months.


Saluda teems with young life. On every hill there are houses boiling over with children and baby carriages pushed by old black mammys or by young high flying girls obstruct highways.

There is a baby hospital and a baby camp—the camp under Dr. Morse’s care and Dr. Smith’s supervision has 14 infants ranging from three weeks old to a year and a half. Two young Tryon women, Miss Kenworthy and Miss Orr, tend to the crying, wriggling, smiling creatures, and the records show that they do it well.

The camp is maintained largely by contributions from Spartanburg, and many of the patients are the children of mill mothers.

One of these came recently with triplets in her arms and those of a Red Cross worker. One of the triplets died the next day after reaching the camp. The other two were in need of fresh air and good feeding, but the mother, who hadn’t a clean dress for the dead child, insisted upon going back to bury the little creature at home.

Tryon faces and Tryon grapes are occasionally seen in Saluda. “What brought you to Salida?” asked a Tryon woman of Mr. C.M. Howes. With a gesture worthy of a Duke in ‘As You Like It,’ Mr. Howses answered, “The train.”

Things are said to be cheaper in Saluda than in Tryon but you pay six cents if you take a soft drink and a good lemon costs a nickel.


Mr. J.B. Livingston lost a good cow that was sick only about half an hour.

N.B. Jackson has purchased the Frank Wood property on Grady avenue.

Miss Lena Livingston has accepted a position with the Carolina Hardware Co.

Claude S. Ford spent a day or two in Asheville this week participating in a golf tournament.

Mr. Bobo Lawrence was bitten by a snake Friday night. While he has suffered considerably, he is getting along nicely.

Mr. Richard Vernor of Detroit was in Tryon last week on business connected with his recent purchase of Villa Barbara.

 Mr. Rowell will have an exhibit and sale of his painting of Tryon and vicinity at the Library Friday afternoon from 2:30 to 8.

Mrs. Hester and daughters Miss Emilie May and Elizabeth, of Carmel, S.C., have taken an apartment with Mrs. Norman for the month of August.

Mrs. C.B. Eldridge and daughter, Ruth, and Miss Louise Walker, of Detroit, have returned home after a month’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Cobb.

Mrs. R.T. McFee and daughter, Miss Mabel, returned home Wednesday from a visit of two weeks with their son and brother, Chas. McFee at Asheville.

Tryon has an unusual number of summer visitors this year. Seems as though our summer climate is becoming almost as well and favorably known as our winter climate.

Mrs. C.W. Morgan is spending a few days in Spartanburg where she is being treated for a complication of troubles. We are glad to learn that she is steadily improving.

The friends of Mr. F.S. Wilcox will be pleased to learn that he and his interesting family are coming back home to Tryon. Mr. Wilcox will be connected with Mr. Bacon in the Southern Mercerizing Co.

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