
Friday, August 30, 2019

Brevard Institute To Begin Next Thursday Morning, Aug. 29, 1919

From the Brevard News, Aug. 29, 1919

Brevard Institute Opens Thursday

The fall term of school at the Brevard Institute will begin next Thursday morning. A number of students have already arrived and most of the teachers will return from their vacations the first of next week. Officials of the institute state that an unusually large number of students have registered for the work of the session that opens next week.

The institute this year will have a new assistant professor, Prof. O.H. Orr, who was last year principal of the high school at Weddington, N.C. He comes to Brevard with highest recommendations from educational authorities in North and South Carolina where he taught after his preparation at Mars Hill College and the University of North Carolina. After his graduation he also attended summer schoola tt the state agricultural college and the state university.

There will also be a new teacher this year in the Science Department. This positin is to be filled by iss Gertrude Falls, a graduate of Greensboro College for Women. Miss Falls is a daughter of Rev. L.A. Falls, a former pastor of the Brevard Methodist Church.

No Primary Department at Brevard Institute

The management of the Brevard Institution has endeavored since early in the summer to learn the wishes and needs of the patrons of its Primary Department and finds that every indication shows that it will not be necessary to re-open its primary rooms this fall. It seems evident that the Brevard Graded and High Schools will open on time or very soon thereafter, with a most excellent corps of teachers, providing every means of doing a high grade of work for the pupils of our district. There is some call for the duplication of the work by the Institute, but it appears that the majority of the patrons prefer to use the advantages of the State School. It has therefore been decided that the Institute will not operate classes below the fifth grade this year. This is doubtless best, for it will make us take a more personal interest in our local school, which must, under any circumstances, train practically all of our children.
--C.H. Trowbridge

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