
Saturday, August 10, 2019

One Pastor's Wife Distributes Tracts on Child Nutrition and Good Health, August 1919

From the News and Observer, as reprinted in The University of North Carolina News-Letter, Chapel Hill, N.C., Aug. 6, 1919

One Pastor’s Wife

By G.C. Hedgepeth

We know of one pastor’s wife who on the second Sunday in May distributed to the mothers in her Sunday school a large number of tracts furnished by the Bureau of Education, Washington, D.C. Diet for the School Child was the subject of one of the tracts.

The object of this tract is to teach the people that every child has a right to be as strong and healthy as present day knowledge can make him and also to point out a convincing way that proper feedings is one of the chief factors in health. The second was a blank individual weight record. The minister’s wife could not have picked out a better time for the distribution of this literature. It was Mothers and Cradle Roll Day in the Sunday school and she used this opportunity to great advantage.

If Jesus took time to heal the sick and suffering we certainly ought to seize opportunities to teach the fathers and mothers how not only to prevent sickness but what to do to help their children grow up strong and healthy in every way.

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