
Friday, August 2, 2019

Rev. Collins Says 'Best Men' Not Members Tuscarora Club, 'Best Homes' Do Not Allow Dancing, Aug. 1, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Aug. 1, 1919. Bilious fever is associated with excessive bile in the blood stream and tissues, causing jaundice. The most common cause was malaria.

Local Pastor Answers the Men’s Club. . . Rev. Collins Answers Article Published by Tuscarora Club. . . Says Club Has Not Stated the Facts. . . Best Homes Do Not Allow Dancing, Says Local Pastor

Rev. Fred T. Collins of the Ahoskie Baptist Church, having recovered from a recent attack of bilious fever, again filled the pulpit of his church on Sunday, July 27, both at the morning and evening service. Sunday morning, in his first sermon since his recent attack of illness, Rev. Collins made answer to an article recently published in this paper by the Tuscarora Club. In answer to this article, he stated that the facts had been perverted; and, in truth, the facts had been misstated.

His particular reference was to that section of the article which stated that the best and leading business and professional men of the town were members of the Club. Rev. Collins said that the best men of the town did not belong to the Club, and they have never been members. He described the “second best man” as the person who withdrew from the club when the issue was drawn between church and club. “The third best man” he described as the person who would withdraw from the club now, but for vicious leadership.

He also stated that the club erred when it stated that dancing was practiced in the best homes of the land. Rev. Collins stated that the best homes in Ahoskie did not tolerate dancing, and that the best women of the town had never gone into the club room.

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