
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Civil Cases Settled in Court, Sept. 4, 1919

From the Rockingham Post-Dispatch, Thursday afternoon, Sept. 4, 1919

Court Closes. . . Two Day Session of Court for Trial of Civil Cases Come to Close This Afternoon. Next Civil Term Begins Sept. 22nd.

The first September term of civil court was to have convened last Monday, but owing to the fact that Monday was a holiday, court was postponed. Judge Henry P. Lane of Reidsville arrived Wednesday and opened court at 9:30.

The following divorce actions were granted: Riley Jones vs Belle Jones; A.G. Jones vs. Ella Jones; William Guy vs Maggie Guy.

Suit of Bennett-Broadaway Co. et al vs Mrs. J.P. Jenkins was tried Wednesday afternoon, the jury deciding that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of $90.

Case of Noah LeGrand vs J.W. Lide over the ownership of five pigs that Mr. Lide killed, was tried this morning, the jury deciding in favor of the colored plaintiff in the sum of $108.

Next case was R. & H. Levine vs American Express Company; jury awards a sum of $37.50 asked for.

Compromise judgment signed of John Fincher vs S.A.L. Ry for $300.

Compromise of S. Shiap vs J.S. Dleykan et al, signed, suing over note.

At 3:15 the suit of Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Huggins vs Sebert Howell for damages in auto wreck at Hamlet was begun. Mr. Huggins suing for $75 and Mrs. Huggins for $500. Jones represents the Huggins; Bynum represents Howell, who, however, was not in court. This will be the last case, and court will adjourn for the term at its conclusion this afternoon. –LATER: Jury came out at 5 o’clock and awarded Mr. Huggins $75 and Mrs. Huggins $311.60.

The next term will begin Sept. 22nd, and is for civil cases. The next criminal term is in early November.

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