
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Health Focus in Roanoke Rapids, 1919-20

From the front page of The Roanoke Rapids Herald, Sept. 19, 1919

Object of the County Health Work

The State Bureau of County Health was started July 1, 1917, by an appropriation of $15,000 by the State and a like amount by the International Health Board. The object of the Bureau is to demonstrate the best method of conducting County Health work, and at the same time demonstrate to a County that it is able to maintain an adequately equipped full time Health department.

The State Bureau is cooperating with Halifax in a three-year plan of public Health work. The work consists of derinite (that’s what was written) on the more important Health problems rather than an attempt to cover the entire field of County Health actively in a short period of time.
The more important units are concerned with:

--Diseases attending soil pollution, such as typhoid fever, Infant Diarrhea, the dysenteries and hookworm.

--Life Extension Work in which by physical examination the diseases of adult life may be recognized early and cured or prevented.

--Medical inspection and treatment of school children, the quarantining of infectious diseases, the prevention of tuberculosis, and infant Hygiene work.

During the first year of the County Health Department three units of work will be undertaken: the quarantine, the soil pollution and the school unit.

The quarantine is the enforcement of the State quarantine law…. Infections and contagious diseases are required to be reported by the attending physician or by the householder and in suspicious unreported cases the health officer may visit a home and investigate. A record of each case will be kept at the County Health Office and the report is then sent to the State Board of Health.

…. The work of the school unit is to obtain a record of the physical condition of every child in the County, and to get as many as possible of the defectives treated. This is an enforcement of the law enacted by the General Assembly of 1917, which provides for the physical examination of every school child, of public school age, at least once in three years. The budget of the County provides $500 a year to aid in the treatment of defective children, whose parents are financially unable to provide the necessary attention. ….

The Chief of the State Bureau of Medical Inspection of schools has promised to furnish a dentist, with a portable dental outfit, for three months to work especially the rural districts.

The soil pollution unit has been greatly aided by the sanitary privy law which goes into effect October 1, 1919. But good work can be done along sanitary lines both in the schools and out, instructing the people and especially the younger generation in the necessity of sanitary privies and safe wells, also the drainage of stagnant pools to eradicate the mosquito and malaria.

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