
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Henderson Considers Community Center for Wholesome Recreation, Sept. 3, 1919

From the Henderson Dispatch, as reprinted in The University of North Carolina News-Letter, Chapel Hill, N.C., Sept. 3, 1919

Initiative at Henderson

The awakening of public conscience and the desire to supplant vice, by wholesome recreation, have resulted in an effort to establish a Community Center—a common-to-all gathering place, for social intercourse, healthful amusement and for educational activities.

It is proposed to buy the old Baptist church and grounds, and to use them for the uplift and joy of the community. We look to the time when the community center will be equipped with a library, reading room, a gymnasium, shower baths and swimming pool, and all sorts of equipment for wholesome, tonic recreation. We ask the support and cooperation of every person who wishes a cleaner and better town—a righteous, happy and intelligent community.

Let us have the best, the most thorough, and the most sane effort to make our town what it should be. Do not say, “It can’t be done.” For that is the argument of indolence. Say rather, “Is it worth while, and am I willing to help?”

It can be done if we will pull together, and if we will have both grace and grit to persevere.

Let us test the efficacy of the advice, Overcome evil with good.

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