
Friday, September 13, 2019

High Point Plants Lock Doors Rather Than Recognize Unions; 4,000 Out of Work, Sept. 13, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Sept. 13, 1919

Sensible Talk to Workingmen. . . Barrett Tells Them That Lawlessness Operates Against the Union. . . Gov. Bickett Arrives

High Point, Sept. 13—Governor Thomas W. Bickett, who arrived here last night for a series of conferences with labor leaders and manufacturers following the lock out of their employees, was in conference with the manufacturers this afternoon following one with the workmen and their representatives this morning. No statement has been made by either side but it is believed that one will be given out late this evening.

The lockout is the result of the refusal of the employers to recognize the union and their affiliated organizations, and their decision to close their plants rather than to do so.

The conference was the result of the suggestions of James F. Barrett, the labor leader from Asheville. It is estimated that as many as 4,000 men are idle on account of the lockout.

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