
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Honoring Teachers and Beginning of New School Year, Sept. 19, 1919

From the front page of The Roanoke Rapids Herald, Sept. 19, 1919

In Honor of the Teachers

On the evening of Friday, Sept. 12, at the Central School Building, a most delightful reception was tendered the teachers of the Roanoke Rapids Public Schools by the ladies of the community.

As the guests entered the building they were ushered upstairs where they were received by Supt. and Mrs. Coltrane, County Supt. and Mrs. Akers, and the entire faculty of the Roanoke Rapids and Rosemary schools.

Refreshments were delightfully served, and the guests passed on to the auditorium which had been tastily (probably meant tastefully) decorated for the occasion. Here the audience was entertained by a musical program rendered by Miss Julia Thompson, Mesdames Hancock and Stainback, and Messrs. Jackson and Towe.

On Saturday afternoon the teachers were again entertained at a barbecue given by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Horner.

The place selected, at Gaston’s Ferry near Thelma, was an unusually pretty and attractive one for a picnic. The congenial crowd was in holiday spirit and manifested its enjoyment of the occasion by spending the afternoon in fishing, boat riding, target shooting and playing games.


Get-Ready-Day Observed

Last Saturday was designated by the school authorities as Get-Ready Day for the opening of the long term schools. This was done in order that the boys and girls might have a cleaner, better, happier school home than ever before. From all reports, marvelous changes in the improvement as well as the sanitary conditions of the buildings and grounds were made in one day by united action on the part of teachers, committeemen, patrons and school children. Each school determined to make the day count for something worth while in the community and great has been the result of such unified efforts.


South Rosemary Graded School Opening

Promptly at 8:30 the above school opened under very favorable circumstances.

This new and modern building was well filled with pupils. A number of the parents and patrons of the community were present to show their appreciation of this good work in its beginning, and to assure the teachers of their co-operation.

The following teachers were present: Misses Ruby Sisk, Principle and teacher of 7-8th grades; Neta Andrews, 5-6th grades; Mamie Leeper, 3-4th grades; Murrell Patterson, 1-2nd grades.

These young women showed by their earnest words and faces that they were there for real service in the school room and community.

After the devotional exercises and a short talk by the writer, Miss Sisk, in a few well chosen words expressed her appreciation of the co-operation and encouragement already received and assured the friends of the school the faithful service on the part of herself and co-workers.

Mr. R.M. Hudson, contractor of the build, deserves special mention for this faithful and efficient work, making it possible to begin school at this time. The work was done in about two months, beginning July 14th.
--Chas. M. Lance


Ice Cream Supper

There will be an Ice Cream Supper at the River Road School Building, Friday night, September 19th, from 8 to 10 p.m., for the benefit of the school. All welcome!

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