
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Horace Stokes Finds New Home in Wilson, N.C., Sept. 13, 1919

From  The News, Abbeville, Alabama, as reprinted in The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Sept. 13, 1919

Horace B. Stokes Locates in Wilson, N.C
Friends of Mr. Horace B. Stokes, who left Abbeville recent for Wilson, N.C., to enter business in that hustling little city, will be glad to know that he is well pleased with his new location. He writes us glowing accounts of Wilson and surrounding country, which speaks well for his future prosperity.
In losing Horace Stokes Abbeville lost one of her most energetic and active young business men. For years he has been associated in business here with his father, Mr. R.E. Stokes, and was at the time of leaving secretary of the Henry County Fair Association.

In Wilson he has formed a partnership with the Stokes-Tomlinson Clothing Company and they are opening a beautiful new store which will be known as the Stokes Clothing Company, which will be managed by Horace.

Abbeville folks will wish our friend Horace all good luck and prosperity in his new home.

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