
Monday, September 9, 2019

Newton News in the Daily Record, Sept. 9, 1919

From Hickory Daily Record, Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1919

Newton News

Miss Annie Duke met with quite a painful accident at her home on College street yesterday afternoon. She was packing her trunk preparatory to going to Hamlet, where she teaches in the graded school, and was coming down the steps with the tray of her trunks when her foot slipped, precipitating her to the bottom, breaking her arm in the fall.

Sheriff Isenhower had a phone message yesterday to be on the lookout for a negro named John Henry Wilson, recently tried on the charge of stealing a cow. He stole the cow in Burke county and brought it to this place and sold it to Sam Sigmon of north Newton. He broke out of jail in Morganton Sunday night.

Mr. J.S. Abernethy, agent for the Southern railway at this place, was called to Connelly Springs yesterday morning on account of the death of his mother, which occurred at the home of her son at that place Sunday night. Mrs. Abernethy was about 75 years of age and had been in very feeble health for several months. The burial took place at Connelly Springs.

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