
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Punishment Light Because Judge Decided Wife Deserved Beating; Ordered Her to Leave City Within Week, Sept. 18, 1919

From The Review, High Point, N.C., Sept. 18, 1919.

Whiskey Case in Municipal Court

Joe Welborn plead guilty during Friday morning’s session of municipal court to the charge of having more than a lawful amount of whiskey in his possession for the purpose of sale. He was fined $100 and the costs by Judge Kirkman, who said that the law dealt severely with cases of this nature. Judge Kirkman ordered that the costs be appropriated by the city, while the fine be donated to the associated charities.

Will Boone, negro, was found guilty of an assault upon his wife, and was required to pay the costs. His punishment was light on account of the fact that the judge considered the negro woman worthy of a beating. She was ordered to leave the city within a week.

Lee Bryant, negro, plead guilty to the larceny of a pair of pants, and was sentenced to 30 days on the county roads.

Oscar Mitchell, who killed Trout John several weeks ago with an automobile, was exonerated of all blame in the case in Monday’s court, Judge Kirkman declaring the accident unavoidable.

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