
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Rally Day Service at Reformed Church in Hickory, Sept. 15, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday evening, Sept. 15, 1919

Rally Day Service at Reformed Church

Rally Day service at the Reformed church yesterday morning was an event of more than passing interest and one that will go down in the annals of the church as the greatest rally day yet held. A number of boys who were absent in France last year were present, a number of visitors and new members were reported, and the attendance in general was record breaking.

Great enthusiasm was manifested and many resolves were made to make the coming Sunday school year one of much usefulness and helpfulness in carrying on the work.

Rev. W.W. Rowe had charge of the services and short, interesting talks were made by Messrs. C.H. Geitner, superintendent, B.B. Blackwelder, assistant superintendent, Dr. J.H. Shuford, L.F. Abernethy, W.R. Weaver, J.W. Warlick, Claude Abernethy, and Frank Allen. The junior chros ahd charge of the music, which was beautiful and inspiring. Two sons by the primary department were greatly enjoyed and it may be said that the young folks in this department are making rapid progress under the graded system. Mrs. H.C. Menzies is superintendent of the primary department and understands her work thoroughly. She is assisted by an able corps of teachers. The cradle roll was called by Mrs. Joe Abernethy and several infants were present to answer to their names. Two new teachers volunteered for work in the Sunday school department yesterday to take the places of those who will be absent this winter teaching school or entering colleges.

The services were carried on into the 11 o’clock services, at which time Mr. Weaver, in his usual way, delighted the audience with a solo.

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