
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rev. H.B. Taylor Returns Home After Serving His Country, Sept. 8, 1919

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Sept. 8, 1919

Rev. H.B. Taylor Returns Home

Rev. H.B. Taylor, for 10 ½ years pastor of Calvary Presbyterian church, colored, of this city, after serving 11 ½ months as a Y.M.C.A. secretary at Camp Zachary Taylor, near Louisville, Kentucky, returned home last week to resume his pastorate.

Rev. H.B. Taylor gave excellent service to the Y.M.C.A., and has received flattering commendation from his superior officers.

During the range of the “flu”, Secretary Taylor volunteered his services to help the sufferers and during the entire life of the epidemic in Camp Taylor he gave his time and attention to the relief of the soldiers afflicted with the disease.

Rev. Taylor’s usefulness to his people here will be greatly increased by his experience in the service.

The Times appreciates all patriotic services rendered our country in its time of need, both by the colored and white people of Wilson, and is glad to extend its welcome to this pastor who gave a year of this time, away from his family and friends, to the service of his country.

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