
Sunday, October 20, 2019

Deaths of Sam Campbell, Elizabeth Townsend, Mrs. Geo. Hahn, W.F. Elliott From Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 20, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Monday evening, Oct. 20, 1919

Sam D. Campbell Died This Morning

Mr. Samuel D. Campbell, one of Hickory’s best known citizens, died athis home on south Fourteenth street this morning after an illness that kept him confined to his bed for several weeks and that had been growing on him for years. He was 58 years of age. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. Mr. Campbell is survived by a wife and fine children.

No man has done more for the development of Hickory suburban property than Mr. Campbell. He was an active dealer in real estate and when he purchased a piece of property, he improved it and sold it again. It is said that he has signed more transfers than any man in the county, and Longview, West Hickory and Highland were started to growing through his efforts.

Mr. Campbell has hosts of friends throughout this section who will be grieved to learn of his death.


Townsend Funeral at Hildebran

Mrs. Elizabeth Townsend of Hildebran died in a local hospital on Saturday evening and the funeral was conducted at HIldebran yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock by Mr. J.W. Beach. She was 46 years of age and is survived by several children.


Funeral of Mrs. Hahn

The funeral of Mrs. Geo. W. Hahn, whose death occurred Friday, was held from the First Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the presence of a congregation that completely filled the auditorium. The presence of so many people, friends of Mrs. Hahn, her late husband and children, was a testimonial to her worth. There was a wealth of floral offerings. Rev. W.O. Goode conducted this service and interment was in Oakwood cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. A.L. Pope, C.W. Bagby, Jordan Hardin, D.F. Messick, L.B. Spivey and Dr. T.C. Blackburn.

Mr. W.F. Elliott Dead in Charlotte

The Observer Sunday carried the following article on the death of Mr. W.F. Elliott, who was well known in HIckory, where he had relatives and where he had frequently visited.

W.F. Elliott, for 20 years a prominent citizen, city official and contractor of 908 East avenue, died last night at 8:30 o’clock at the Mercy hospital after a protracted illness, the immediate cause of his death having been heart failure. He had been an invalid for five years.

Born in Charlotte on December 11, 1860, Mr. Elliott always took an active and leading part in community activities. He was formerly a member of the board of aldermen and a member of the city executive board. He was also a member of white Oak lodge, Woodmen of the World.

Mr. Elliott is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hattie Elliott; two sons, John H. and William F. Elliott; and two daughters, Mrs. S.L. Vaughan and Mrs. S.J. Godfrey, all of Charlotte.

With him at the time of his death were his brother, Henry F. Elliott, Mrs. J.D. Elliott, and sister, Mrs. W.T. Sledge, all of Hickory, in addition to his life-long friend, J.W. Hammell of Kershaw, S.C., who has been at his bedside several days at his request.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon.

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