
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Hallowe'en Parties and a Wedding, Oct. 31, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 31, 1919

Miss Marion Andrews celebrated her 17th birthday last evening with a party at her home on Pitt street, Tarboro. The parlor was decorated in Hallowe’en colors of orange and black, crepe paper, witches, cats, etc., being used. The lights were covered with Jack O’ Lanterns, giving the room a ghostly effect. The dining room, where dancing was enjoyed, was also decorated in the colors. Numerous games were enjoyed, after which delicious sandwiches and coco cola were passed around. Later brick cream and cake were served. Miss Andrews received quite a number of beautiful and useful presents and best wishes from a host of friends.


The Edgecombe Cotillion club gave a dance Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Placid Clark, whose marriage to Mr. Douglas Taylor took place Wednesday evening. The hall was beautifully decorated with green crepe paper and pine trees. Quite a number of out-of-town guests enjoyed the occasion.


The Girls Friendly Society had a Hallowe’en party Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Henry Johnson. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Jack O’ Lanterns, witches, etc., everywhere. The girls all came in costume and had quite a lot of fun trying to guess each other. Madame Witch told fortunes and gave each girl a card on which was written a short fortune in rhyme. These were later read aloud to the amusement of every one present. Various ways of telling fortunes were tired and at a late hour delicious ice cream and cake was served.


Miss Hale Entertains

Miss Lanie Hales delightfully entertained the Thursday Afternoon Card Club yesterday afternoon from 3:30 to 6. After an interesting game, Miss Elizabeth McCraw was found to have made the highest club score, and Mrs. Frank Davis the highest guest score. The guests of the club were Miss Virginia Davis, Mrs. Steve Anderson, Mrs. Tom Hackney, Mrs. Frank Davis, and Mrs. C.K. Wright.


Mr. Loren H. Roberts of Dorchester, Mass., and Miss Emma Hawkhurst of this city were married at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon by Rev. Mr. Behea at the residence of the brother of the bride. The young lady is highly esteemed and an employee of the Branch Banking Company, while the groom is a young business man in Dorchester.

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