
Friday, October 11, 2019

Jim Crocker Was Hero at Clark's Factory, October 10, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Oct. 11, 1919

A Heroic Act

Yesterday when the fireman went upstairs and told Jim Crocker, the colored engineer, that the blow pipe valve of the big boiler in Clark’s factory was giving way, Jim didn’t do a thing but rush down and stand on it until the fireman could pull the fire from the box and thus relieve the strain. If the steam had blown out and sent the water over the building this might have been ruined and the flues strained, or an explosion might have occurred, which would have endangered lives. If it had blown out with Jim standing on it, he would have been scalded to death, but that did not deter Jim. He stood to his post and did something one man out of a thousand would not have done. It was a heroic act.

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