
Monday, October 28, 2019

Maj. Graham Says Wife Called Him 'Old Gray-Haired Liar', Turned Him Out, Oct. 28, 1919

From The Monroe Journal, Oct. 28, 1919

Says His Wife Called Him An “Old Gray Haired Liar” . . . Major Graham Tells of Being Locked Out of Home After He Had Gone Away Seeking Peace

Major W.A. Graham, North Carolina’s commissioner of agriculture, has just filed his answer in the suit by his wife, who was Miss Sallie Clark, Sister of Chief Justice Walter Clark, in which she charged abandonment and demands an alimony allowance of $150 per month, which Commissioner Graham pleads is out of proportion to his income from salary and plantation near Charlotte.

The answer is filed through his counsel, Attorney General J.S. manning and Armistead Jones and Son. It is a lengthy document, setting out a most unhappy matrimonial state in which he pleads that he has striven by every possible concession to concilate.

Answering her charge that he abandoned her, he writes that he endured harsh treatment and abuse, including charges that he was an “old gray-haired liar,” and only left their home on an evening specified for the relief of a much needed night’s rest and on returning the next day found his suitcase of clothing on the front porch. Attempting to let himself in with his night latch key, he found the door locked against him from the inside with Mrs. Graham at home. He therefore emphatically denies the charge of abandonment and pleads that her demands as to an allowance are more than his financial condition would justify.

It is understood that there will be a superior court hearing in chambers first as to any temporary allowance for Mrs. Graham, pending the jury trial of the main suit to be had later.

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