
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Methodists Encourage Members to Revive Ancient Customs, Oct. 3, 1919

From the Brevard News, Oct. 3, 1919

Methodists Revive Ancient Customs

Nashville, Tenn.—The Centenary Commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, has named August 29th as a special day of fasting and prayer for the 2 ½ million members of the church. The Commission has also started a movement to establish 100,000 Family Altars, by having that many hopes pledged to observe daily devotions.

This is the revival of ancient customs in the church. It is the part of an intensive campaign which the church has launched in connection with the spiritual side of the Conservation program of the Centenary Movement, through which the Methodists raised $53 million in an eight-day drive last May.

The object of the present campaign, as stated by Rev. S.A. Neblett, secretary of the Department of Spiritual Resources, is to enroll at least 40 percent of the church members in the prayer league known as the Fellowship of Intercession, to establish 100,000 Family Altars, and to assist in finding a thousand young people to go abroad as missionaries.

August 24-31 is known as Enlistment Week. During this period the 7,000 pastors will urge their members to join the Fellowship of Intercession, to establish Family Altars, and to observe the day of fasting and prayer.

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