
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Personal Notes from Ahoskie, Colerain, Powellsville, Winton, Menola, Mapleton, Oct. 3, 1919

From the Hertford County Herald, Ahoskie, N.C., Oct. 3, 1919

Local News

Mr. S.F. Bowers moved into his new home this week.

Mr. E. Jones of Harrellsville was a visitor Thursday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Jenkins of Aulander were in Ahoskie last Saturday shopping.

Mr. H.F. Rigler of Rocky Mount, district Y.M.C.A. Secretary, was in Ahoskie on Wednesday.

Miss Annie Parker returned Tuesday from Scotland Neck where she visited friends during the week end.

The directors of the Farmers-Atlantic Bank established a branch of their bank at Askewville on Wednesday.

Messrs. M.D. Galting and H.P. Gatling and families spent Sunday in Windsor with M. Ned Gatling and family.

Mr. J.B. Powell and wife, of Franklin, Va., were guests in the home of Dr. C.G. Powell and Mrs. Powell for a few days this week.

Misses Janie Sharp, Clarine Scull of Harrlessville and Agnes Flythe of Savannah, Ga., spent last Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Jernigan.

Dr. W.R. Parker was in Ahoskie Tuesday, enroute to Philadelphia. His sister, Miss Janie Parker, entered college in that city this week.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Josselson and little child of South Carolina were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Feldman for a few days this week.

The citizens of Ahoskie are called to meet for the purpose of reorganizing the Board of Trade on Tuesday night, October 7.

The Herald is again delayed by reason of the fact that a newly ordered part for our machine did not arrived until Thursday. However, we anticipate no further delays in getting the paper out on time.

Mr. Alvin Eley of Menola was a visitor in Ahoskie last Friday. He returned to Chapel Hill to resume his College course.

Colerain News

Miss Lula Myers has accepted a position in the store of L.D. Perry.

Mr. and Mrs. N.G. Phelps were visitors in Ahoskie Tuesday.

Mr. J.S. Deans made a business trip to Elizabeth City last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Evans and children of Norfolk spent some time in our town the past week visiting friends and relatives.

Mr. R.L. Phelps and Mr. Ellis, the real estate man, were in town Wednesday.

Miss Kate Newsome is boarding at the home of Mr. J.H. Myers and attending school here.

Miss Irma Deans spent some days in Norfolk the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Morris spent last Thursday in Windsor.

Miss Lillie Askew and brother, John, were visitors in town Thursday.

Miss Lucille Williams spent Monday in town.

 On Monday evening, September 29th, a linen shower was given to Miss Irma Deans at the home of Mrs. C.L. Henry. The home was most tastily (maybe they meant tastefully?) decorated with red, white and blue cut flowers and potted plants were in profusion. Refreshments were served and contests were engaged in. Everyone reported a most delightful time, Mrs. Henry proving a delightful hostess. The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful gifts.

Miss Nell Deans, who is attending school at Meredith College, came home Saturday and spent the week end to be present at the marriage of her sister, Miss Irma Deans.

Powellsville News

Mr. J.R. Phelps spent Thursday night in town.

Quite a large crowd attended services at Mars Hill Friday night.

Mrs. P.L. Raynor’s arm is slowly improving.

Messrs. Ervin Dunning and Albert Burden of Aulander were callers in town on Thursday night.

Misses Mary Overton, Kate Davis, Hattie Tayloe and Mrs. C.C. Mitchell were in Ahoskie Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. S.B. Carter, Miss Evelyn Williford, Messrs. S.W. McKeel and W.J. Holloman went to Rosse’s Saturday in interest of the community fair.

Mr. C.E. Hobbs and family of Quitsna were visitors in town Sunday.

The revival at the Methodist Church closed last Thursday night with seven additions to the church.

Miss Sue Harden of Windsor is visiting her sister, Mrs. C.T. Wynns.

Misses Mildred and Virginia Carter spent Sunday in Gatesville with their parents.

Messrs. J.E. Jordan and W.T. Wiggins returned Sunday from Jackson Springs.

Mr. Frank Harden and his mother were guests in the home of C.T. Wynns Sunday.

Miss Alma Wynns of Republican is attending school here.

Miss Evelyn Williford and Mr. W.D. Odom of Ahoskie attended services at Mars Hill Friday night.

Mr. Hunter Holloman and family were guests at the home of A.S. Wynns Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. K.W. Bass went to the baptizing at Colerain Sunday.

J.B. Wiggins and son, Linwood, were in Ahoskie Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Carter of Ahoskie were in town a short while Saturday night.

Mrs. J.R. Phelps and children returned home last Friday.

Messrs. B.F. Beverly and George Beverly of Union were in town last Wednesday.

Messrs. A.S. and W.A. Wynns were in Lewiston last Sunday.

Mrs. D.W. Miller was in town Saturday, enroute to Windsor to see her mother, Mrs. Bettie Cowan, who is quite ill.

Winton News

Mrs. G.W. Perry from Littleton is spending some time with her mother, Mrs. Tinie Jenkins.

Mr. Hugh Jones left Monday for A. & E. College.

Mrs. C.F. Griffin from Suffolk is visiting friends here.

Mr. W.F. Howell and family of Franklin, Va., spent the past Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.V. Turner.

Mrs. A.J. Pearce is visiting relatives at Plymouth.

Miss Isla Gray of Roanoke Rapids is visiting Misses Pearl and Gladys Jenkins.

Miss Mary Wood returned home last Wednesday from Warrenton, where she has been attending court.

Mrs. C.W. Jones and baby returned home last Sunday from Reidsville, Va.

Mrs. Starkey Sharpe of Harrellsville and daughter, Miss Allie from Chowan College, spent the past week end with Miss Mary Woodard and her mother.

Mr. John Mitchel from Texas is here visiting his father, Mr. J.P. Mitchell. (was spelled with one l and then with two)

Mrs. Wiley Early and son of Aulander spent the last week with her sister, Mrs. W.L. Matthews.

Mr. R.E. Storey and family attended services at Mt. Tabor last Sunday morning and dined in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Bunn.

Mrs. R.C. Bridger returned home last Wednesday from Staunton, Va.

Mrs. J.A. Northcott visited relatives in Rich Square last week.

Mr. Charlie Watson, who has just returned from overseas, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and daughter, Miss Lillian Shaw, a few days last week.

Mesdames E.O. and A.P. Hines spent Monday in Suffolk.

Mr. Dan Story from Suffolk spent Sunday at home.

Mrs. Em Perry spent last week with Mrs. D.R. McGlohon.

Mr. Edward Knox from Norfolk spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Knox.

Mr. Chesley Lee, who holds a position in Norfolk, was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Lee, last Sunday.

Menola News

Mr. C.W. Parker left on Sunday for Chapel Hill, where he will enter the State University.

Mr. J.M. Eley left on Monday to visit the wholesale houses in Baltimore.

Miss Elizabeth Brown went to Greenville Wednesday of last week to be a student at the Training School at that place.

Mr. A.I. Parker, Miss Willie Daniel, and son, Mr. Louis Daniel, of Winton, spent a short while in the home of Mr. H.U. Griffith Sunday afternoon.

Messrs. Stanley Brown and Alvin J. Eley have returned to Chapel Hill to resume their studies there as students.

Mr. Harvey Snipes left for Morristown, Pa., on Saturday to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Alfred Moon, which took place on Monday. He was accompanied by his brother, Dr. W.E. Snipes of Franklin, Va.

Mr. V.L. Eley returned home from Baltimore, where he has spent the summer, last week, and left for Chapel Hill on last Thursday to complete his medical course there.

Miss Janie Parker left on Tuesday for Philadelphia to enter Drexel College.

Mapleton News

Mr. Crocus Hare of Oold Point, Va., is the guest of his brother Mr. G.O. Hare.

Mr. E.W. Whitley and daughter, Miss Rosa, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Norfolk. Miss Rosa went to the hospital to have her tonsils removed.

Mr. D.H. Parker was in the town of Ahoskie on Wednesday.

Miss Rachel Parker left Friday for Washington, N.C., to teach during the current term.

Mr. David Howell was in Como Saturday afternoon.

Mrs. S.L. Griffith and Misses Banks and Earley were in Murfreesboro Saturday afternoon.

Several people from here attended the funeral of Mr. T.H. Nicholson at Murfreesboro on Sunday afternoon.

Misses Emma R. and Nancy Parker of Chowan College spent the week end here with parents.

Mr. Joe Whitley and family of Maneys Neck were the guests of Mr. Lois Griffith Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forbes of Franklin spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. H.V. Parker.

Mr. Herman Gatling of the town of Ahoskie was a visitor in Mapleton Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Horace Pearce was in Cofield Sunday.

Messrs. Jonas Whitley and W.C. Pearce spent from Friday until Monday in Rocky Mount.

Mrs. G.B. Storey and little daughter, Sarah, spent the past week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Whtley.

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