
Friday, October 4, 2019

Want Ads from Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 4, 1919

From the Hickory Daily Record, Oct. 4, 1919.


FOR SALE—18 ½ ACRES OF land, partially timbered, located on Clark’s creek, 3 miles southeast of Hickory. For particulars apply to Mrs. Mary Powell, Hickory, Route 1.

WANTED—EXPERIENCED OPERATORS for plain machines. Ideal working conditions. Apply in person. Coast Brand Overall Co., Chero-Cola Building.

FOR SALE—GOOD AND CHEAP and cheap and good, 300 acres of land at $10 acre. Land lays well and is well watered, has two six-room houses and outbuildings and mill house site. Eight miles from Bridgewater. If interest, see. First come, first served. J.P. Burton, Hickory, R-5.

FOR SALE—BRAND NEW FIVE room house, never occupied, water and lights. Apply G.L. Lyerly, Shuford Hdw. Co.

CORN WANTED—WE ARE NEEDING 100 bushels of new corn. Can also use sound 1918 corn at market price. Hickory Seed Co.

Roast chicken with dressing.
French baked tomatoes.
Steamed rice.
Candied yams.
Creamed potatoes.
Baked macaroni and cheese.
Ice cream and cake.
Dinner from 11:30 to 2 o’clock. Regular supper as usual.

WANTED—A BOY FOR REGULAR work at the Record office, a good chance to learn the trade. Apply at once.

FOR SALE—ONE MAXWELL touring car, 1916 model. Good condition. Johnson’s Garage.

Regular communication of Hickory Lodge No. 343 A.F.A.M. Monday evening; Nov. 6, 1919. Members are requested to attend work in the 3rd degree.
D.L. Miller, W.M.
D.B. Taylor, secy.

FOR SALE—ARMY OFFICER’S equipment. 1 canvas bedding roll, 1 canvas clothing roll, 1 cotton mattress, 1 cotton pillow, 2 mattress covers, 3 pillow cases, 6 sheets, 1 folding canvas bucket, 1 folding canvas basin, 1 olive drab woolen blanket, 2 pairs leather leggings, 1 complete set of equipment—Haversack, pack carrier, canteen, cup, knife, fork and spoon, etc. The above will make some one an ideal camping outfit. Also one 34-inch saber with belt, 2 small fiber trunks. Phone 20-J.

WANTED—SEVERAL GIRLS to work. Nice clean work. Apply in person to Hickory Steam Laundry.

HOUSE WANTED—WITH FIVE rooms. Apply Mrs. Sallie Garner, Hickory, N.C.

FOR SALE—1917 FORD ROADSTER. First class condition; 1917 model 490 Chevrolet; 1918 model 490 Chevrolet. Johnson’s Garage.

LOST—TWO SETTER BITCHES. White with black markings. Pup has studded collar. Old bitch has a white or glass eye. Reward for information or return of same Hickory Garage Co., G.S. Watson.

FOR SALE—COMPLETE STOCK general merchandise, good location near city. Nice clean stock. Inquire at Record office.

FOR SALE—ONE 7 ½ H.P. electric motor, three phase, 1800 revolutions. One 3 h.p. Reason for selling, need heavier motors.

HELP WANTED—MALE, 25 LABORERS for band saw mill and lumber yard. $3 per day with 50 cents per day bonus for ones putting in straight time. Pay off every Saturday. R.W. Walker Lumber Co., Salisbury, N.C.

WANTED—MIDDLE AGED WOMAN of good character. Apply at office Hotel Huffry.

SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY, Champion X spark plugs, 60c each. Hickory Vulcanizing and Supply Co.

WANTED—TWO COLORED maids. Hotel Huffry.


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