
Friday, November 22, 2019

Bell Boy Confesses His Part in Theft of Jewelry, Nov. 22, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Saturday, Nov. 22, 1919

Negro Who Took Trunk Containing $75,000 Worth of Diamonds Bought Ticket to Western Town. . . Bell Boy Confesses

Raleigh, Nov. 22—John Cook, a bellboy, and two other negroes ae under arrest for the theft of a turnk from the lobby of the Yarborough hotel in this city early Friday morning containing from $50,000 to $75,000 worth of jewelry and diamonds.

Cook confessed to his father last night that he took the trunk from the hotel and was aided in so doing by a negro chauffeur. They carried the trunk to a woods three miles east of Raleigh, where it was left unopened. The police are looking for another negro, whom it is believed has in his possession. The officers went to the spot where the boy stated the trunk was left, and found indications that it had been opened, but its contents were not found.

The police believe that the negro who took the trunk left Raleigh on a west-bound train. He purchased a ticket for a city in the western part of the State, and the authorities are asked to watch for him. The trunk was brought here by Mr. Jack Goode, a well-known traveling man who represents a number of New York jewelry houses.

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