
Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dr. Moss Asks Students, "Are You a Gentleman?" Nov. 15, 1919

From the editorial page of The Tar Heel, Chapel Hill, Nov. 15, 1919

Are You a Gentleman?

This was the question asked by Dr. Moss Tuesday night at the “Y” meeting. The deportment counts and the family counts, said Parson, but those things are only minor essentials. The gentleman has the right kind of feelings that bind everything to him. He relates himself lovably and amicably to everything he may touch. He is a man and not a mankin.

No gentleman can be a grouch. He never invades anothers’ feelings. He will not sneer at the other fellow’s snobbishness and rudeness and will never be rude himself. He doesn’t throw peanuts at the Pick Wick.

The real gentleman doesn’t talk of a Y.M.C.A. fund like ours was talked of this week. One would nevr hear a gentleman say that the “Y” has done him no good and therefore he will not support it, but he is willing and glad to give for the sake of the community.

The man who comes to the University and loafs away his time, and throws away the money of his parents is not acting the part of a gentleman. A gentleman owns his life and is never owned by it, is the way Parson interprets it. Then let us put it down in our lives to have the right kind of feeling toward everything with which we come in contact. Be guided by truth and goodness.

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