
Friday, November 1, 2019

Enforce Prohibition, Say Baptists, Nov. 1, 1919

From the Daily Record, Hickory, N.C., Nov. 1, 1919

Law Enforcement Urged By Baptists

Newton, Nov. 1—The following resolutions were unanimously adopted yesterday by the South Fork Baptist Association, now in session in Lincolnton. This association, representing more than 8,000 Baptists, comprises the counties of Catawba, Lincoln, and Gaston. Several strong speeches were made condemning the illicit manufacture of blockade whiskey in the bounds of the association:
“Resolved that it is the sense of the South Fork Baptist Association in session assembled that the present intemperance situation is alarming throughout its bounds. The moonshine business having reappeared with intense vigor demands our immediate and uncompromising attention.

“And that it is the sense of this body that to be content with less than 100 per cent loyalty upon the part of all officers is a reflection upon and less than our whole Christian manhood demands.
“That we hereby give it as our deliberate judgment that all rightful influence ought to be brought to bear upon all officers in every rightful way possible and that all such shall have our full moral support.”

Other Newton News

Mr. Macon Williams, who holds a position in Asheville, is spending a few days here with his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. F.M. Williams.

Dr. B.D. Lucas of the faculty of Catawba College, will fill the pulpit of the Methodist church 
tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock. The new pastor, Rev. P.W. Tucker, will move his family to Newton next week.

Rev. R.L. Davis of Raleigh will lecture in the Methodist church in Newton on Sunday, Nov. 9th, on “America’s Responsibility for World-Wide Freedom.”

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