
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Local News From Forest City, Nov. 13, 1919

From the Forest City Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1919

Local News Items

J. Braxton Flack has been quite sick for several days with grip.

E.M. Carpenter of Bostic Route 1 was among the visitors here Monday.

Charles Teasley of Atlanta was a week-end guest of the Crowell house.

Mrs. C.B. Crowell spent the latter part of the last week shopping in Charlotte.

What has become of Forest City’s board of trade? We need an active organization of this kind.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Jones of Caroleen spent the week-end at the home of H.L. Kanipe. Mr. Jones is principal of the Caroleen school.

Rev. K.L. Whittington will fill his regular appointments next Sunday, preaching at Bostic at 11 a.m., Ellenboro at 3 p.m., and Cliffside at 7 p.m.

Miss Marie Reid, one of the teachers in the Forest City school, who has been quite sick at her home in Rutherfordton, returned to her duties here last Monday.

Miss Sarah Haggie of Chattanooga spent Sunday at Forest City with Miss Mayme Martin. Miss Haggie is a sister of Mrs. L.L. Brown, formerly of Forest City.

Monday looked like circus day in Forest City, one of the largest crowds of the year being here. It was “Second Monday” and the local “boneyard” was a busy place all day.

Note changes in schedule of Southern railway trains passing through Forest City. All trains now go thru to Marion. We believe the new schedule will suit the public much better than the old one.

The aviator coming up from Spartanburg Saturday has been instructed to follow the C. C. & O. Railway until he reaches the box car on the side of the road. Then to get the right square over it and drop a bomb on it.

Phillip, the 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grose of Spindale was painfully hurt last Tuesday when he was struck by an automobile. The accident occurred on the road to Rutherfordton near Duncan’s store.

J.H. Crawford has sold his house and lot to J.A. Black of Ellenboro. Mr. Crawford has bought the house and lot on Cherry Mountain street adjoining the Presbyterian church property, and has moved his family there. Mr. Black, who has been engaged in the grocery business in Ellenboro, has sold his business there and moved to Forest City.

L.L. Brown, former superintendent of the cotton mill here but ow holding a similar position at Clifton, S.C, accompanied by his wife and two daughters, Misses Mary and Martha, spent Sunday in Forest city with J.H. Thomas and family.

Dr. F.K. Gardner, eye specialist of Asheville, will be in Forest city next Saturday, November 15th, for the purpose of looking after all eye troubles. His headquarters will be at the Reinhardt Drug Co. He will call at any home when requested. He also fits artificial eyes.

The 28th series of the Forest City building and Loan Association opened Saturday and more than double the number of shares taken in any former series have already been subscribed for. If you didn’t take out those shares you intended to take out Saturday, it is not too late yet.

The first issue of The Henrietta Caroleen Messenger, a newspaper published by and for the employees of the Henrietta Mills, made its appearance last week. The purpose of the paper is to chronicle the local happenings and develop the community spirit of this splendid mill community. Rev. W.T. Tate is editor and the initial issue of the paper is excellent. It has not yet been decided how often the paper will e issued.

The Colleens, four beautiful young ladies, will give an evening’s entertainment and concert at the graded school auditorium in Rutherfordton Friday evening, November 14, at 7:30 o’clock. Irish songs, costumes and scenes will be featured. They will renter a very interesting program. Many Forest City people will take advantage of the opportunity of hearing this well-known company.

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