
Friday, November 15, 2019

Local News From Front Page of Wilson Daily Times, Nov. 15, 1919

From the front page of The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Saturday, November 15, 1919

Taken to Children’s Home

Mr. Leonard, the Welfare man for Wilson county, managed to secure the two Tedden children referred to in yesterday’s Times as having run into the woods when he approached their home for like chickens it was necessary to coop them and get them in the night, and the children, whose names are Elbert and Elle, about 6 and 8 years of age, respectively, will be taken today to Greensboro by Mrs. George Stanton.

They are the children of Mrs. Cora Tedden.


Races Will be Kept Separate

Washington, D.C., Nov. 15—By a vote of 142 to 12 the House today effused to incorporate a provision in the Esch Railroad bill that will compel “Jim Crow” cars on Southern roads to separate negro from white passengers. The amendment was opposed by Representative Madden, a Republican of Illinois, but was voted down by many Northern Republicans co-operating with the Democrats on the provision.


Infant Dies

The 3-year-old son of Mrs. G.W. Morris passed away this morning.


Argument Over Automobiles

While in the pool room of Mr. L.A. Barnes last night, Messrs. Ira Moore of Portsmouth, who is in this city on a visit to his people, and Mr. Doane Morris became involve in a discussion over the respective merits of automobiles, and the discussion led to an argument when Mr. Moore struck Morris and knocked him down. It is said that he did this twice. Moore gave bond for his appearance before Mayor Hill.


Putting Up Forfeit Money

Mr. Homer Anderson, who was returned from the meeting in Goldsboro last evening of representatives from several towns in North Carolina gathered for the purpose of forming a baseball league in Eastern North Carolina says that the towns are putting up their forfeits of a thousand dollars and that the indications are that a string league will be formed. There are now five teams in the league, with a number of other towns clamoring for admission. As to which one will be admitted has not been so far determined.


Putting on Sale

Messrs. Robert E. Houston and M.C. Stockhouse of Rocky Mount were in the city today putting on a sale for the First National Auction Company of Fayetteville and Rocky Mount of the Amos Walston Home Place. Their advertisements will appear in the Daily and Semi-Weekly Times.


A Broken Leg

Mr. J.D. Stephenson who drives a truck for Mr. Woodard Godwin suffered a broken leg while prizing up the truck a piece of timber falling on his leg and breaking it. He was taken to a local hospital and he is getting on very nicely, we are pleased to learn.


License to Marry

Mr. John R. Dildy, registrar of deeds, has issued a marriage license to Mr. Callie Taylor of Toisnot township, son of Mr. Baker Taylor, to Miss Annie Bass, daughter of Mr. James Bass.

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