
Friday, November 8, 2019

No Baseball League for Wilson Unless People Buy Stocks, Nov. 8, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 8, 1919

No Baseball for Wilson Unless the People Are Willing to Put Up the Money

The Wilson baseball fans are making an effort to organize the Wilson Baseball Association and have Wilson included in the Eastern Carolina League, which will be formed at a meeting to be held at Goldsboro, Friday the 14th.

According to the estimates made it will require something like $8,000 to fit up the park and to meet other expenses that will be necessary before actual play begins, it is going to take considerably more.

In order that you may help, it has been agreed to incorporate the organization, under the law of the State and to place the stock on sale for $10 per share. Now it is up to you whether Wilson plays ball or not.

If you do not see one of the committee, phone one of us and we will put you down for the number of shares you will take.
W.D. Adams
Wiley Edwards
W.W. Graves
John Hackney
E.H. Anderson, Committee

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