
Friday, November 29, 2019

Personal News From The Daily Times, Nov. 29, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 29, 1919

Purely Personal

Mr. W. Herbert Woodard has purchased nine beautiful building lots from Elder J.T. Farmer, Price $100 and other valuable considerations.

Mrs. Frank Hassell, who has been on a visit to Mrs. B.T. Cowper in Raleigh, returned home this afternoon.

Mrs. John E. Woodard, who has been on a visit to Mrs. B.T. Cowper in Raleigh, returned home this afternoon.

Mrs. U.R. Sills of Greensboro arrived today to visit Mrs. Williard Moss.

Miss Sudie Gay has returned from Raleigh, where she attended the convention of the State Musical Association in session there this week.

The regular annual meeting of the Wilson county chapter of the American Red Cross will be held in the court house Wednesday, December 3, at 3:30 o’clock. All members of the chapter, both in town and county, are requested to be present as officers are to be elected and other business transacted.

License to Marry

Duncan Boykin of Nash county, son of Mr. Monroe Boykin, has secured license to marry Miss Sadie Bray of the same county, daughter of Mr. Alex Bray.

Mr. S.C. Clark of Toisnot township, the son of Mr. John Clark, has secured license to marry Miss Stella Williams, the daughter of Mr. Calvin Williams.

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