
Friday, November 8, 2019

State Quarantines Cotton In Effort to Block Bool Weevil, Nov. 8, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Nov. 8, 1919

Trying to Block Weevil’s Advance

Raleigh, N.C., Nov. 7—A safety zone 30 miles wide has been declared north of the boll weevil line in North Carolina and the shipment of cotton seed, hulls, cotton sacks of cotton in any form except compressed bales from weevil territory or the safety zone to any part of the state is prohibited, quarantine will be strictly enforced and violators will be published and their shipments confiscated by the State Department of Agriculture.

At present the boll weevil infestation of North Carolina is confined to Columbus, Brunswick and New Hanover counties, states Mr. R.W. Leiby, assistant entomologist of the State Department of Agriculture, following the completion of the survey of counties north of these made during the past week.

The counties of Pender, Bladen, Robeson, Scotland and Richmond were scouted at numerous places, the weevil not being found in any of these. The boll weevil line extends slightly north of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad running from Chadbourn east to Wilmington.

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