
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Town Topics From Wilmington, Nov. 21, 1919

From The Wilmington Dispatch, Nov. 21, 1919

Town Topics

Mrs. Lee Improving

Reports made public this morning by her attending physician wee to the effect that very marked improvement is noted today in the condition of Mrs. G.O. Lee, who suffered very severe burns at her home, 305 South Front street, yesterday morning. While Mrs. Lee will necessarily be confined to her bed for some days, her condition is no longer regarded as serious.

Captain DeVane Dead

Universal regret was expressed in Wilmington this morning when it became known last night that Capt. D.C. DeVane had died very suddenly at his home in Bladen county. Capt. DeVane was about 55 years of age and was well known to all the people of this section who had any occasion to travel, being a conductor for a number of years on the Atlantic Coast Line railway. Capt. DeVane is survived by his mother, several brothers and sisters, and nine children. The body of the deceased was brought to Wilmington this morning and interment will take place in Oakdale cemetery tomorrow. The funeral will be held from the home of his son, 129 South Eighth street, in the afternoon at 4 o’clock. The services will be conducted by Rev. A.D. McClure, pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian church.

Marked Improvement Seen

It was stated at the James Walker Memorial hospital this morning that marked improvement is to be noted in the condition of J.D. Kelly and that unless some complications develop, he will certainly recover. Mr. Kelly attempted to take his own life by shooting himself through the head with a pistol, but fortunately the bullet did not penetrate the skull and the wound is scarcely more than one of minor importance now.


A marriage of general interest to the friends of the contracting parties took place in Wilmignton Wednesday night when Miss Effie Carney became the bride of J.N. Shepard. Miss Carney is one of the city’s most popular and accomplished young women and has made her home for some time with her brother at 15th and Castle streets, where the ceremony was performed. Mr. Shepard is a well known farmer of the Middle Sound section and immediately after their marriage they left for his plantation. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.W. Crowley. Miss Elma Canaday attended the bride as bridesmaid, while J.W. Ennett was best man.

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