
Thursday, November 14, 2019

W.H. Gallop Puts Faith in Large Tobacco Crop, Nov. 14, 1919

From The Independent, Elizabeth City, N.C., Friday, Nov. 14, 1919

Go To It Heavy With Tobacco. . . W.H. Gallop of Jarvisburg to Put 75 Acres in Popular Weed

W.H. Gallop, one of the most enterprising and far-seeing farmers in Currituck county, will put 75 acres of new ground into tobacco next year, growing tobacco on a larger scale than ever before attempted by any one in this immediate section.

Experiments here and there in Currituck county have shown that tobacco will thrive in that soil and climate. S.J. Payne of Point Harbor in the lower section of Currituck county, grew 2 ½ acres of tobacco this year. Mr. Payne recently sold this tobacco for $1,200.

Mr. Gallop has been watching these experiments with interest and has haven the cultivation and cure of tobacco considerable study. He is not at all timid about going into the planting of a comparatively large acreage as a pioneer. He believes that he can cultivate the enter crop of 75 acres with one man’s labor.

Other big farmers in this section are going in for tobacco. C.O. Robinson, of this city, owner of a number of big farms in this and nearby counties, is convinced that tobacco is the coming money crop of this section. While tobacco farmers in other sections of the state are getting a return of $400 to the acre on tobacco, farmers of this section think they are doing well when they get $100 an acre from cotton.

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