
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Firemen Honor Engineer L.F. Murray, Dec. 17, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Dec. 17, 1919

Engineer Murray Leaves

Last night in the firemen’s hall a most delightful supper was served in honor of L.F. Murray, who has served the town and the firemen in a most satisfactory manner for five years and eight months.

Mr. Murray was in Wilson when we received our first fire-fighting truck and has kept the machines in perfect condition. It is with a feeling of sincere regret that the town, and especially the volunteer firemen, are to lose the services and companionship of Mr. Murray. So to show the real appreciation of his services and friendship, the active members of the fire department assembled last night and enjoyed a most delightful supper. The supper was of three courses, and was prepared by Needham Herring, L.K. Wilkins and Tom Wilson. There is not a fireman who was present last night that will ever forget that supper. Waldorf Astoria chefs could not have improved it.

During the supper, L.K. Wilkins presented Mr. Murray with a gift from the firemen, a solid gold Junior Order ring.

After a few talks by members of the department, a table was spread for the colored firemen, who paid a high tribute to oysters, turkey, cranberry sauce and tipsy cake. Ben Mincey, chief of the colored firemen, made a splendid talk and in most fitting words praised the work of Mr. Murray and expressed words of regret on account of him leaving, because the colored firemen as well as the white firemen had learned to like Mr. Murray on account of his generous disposition and never failing services. In closing his talk, Ben Mincey made an earnest request that when he passes from this world to another that the entire fire department attend his funeral and carry one length of hose as a last token of respect.

Mr. Murray has resigned as engineer of the fire department to take effect Jan. 1. Too much cannot be said of his services during his five years and eight months employment by the town, and it is with deep regret that he leaves us.

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