
Thursday, December 26, 2019

Forest City Briefs Published Dec. 25, 1919

From the front page of the Forest City Courier, Thursday, Dec. 25, 1919

News Letter From Route 2

The box supper at Doggett’s school house last Saturday night was a grand success. A large crowd was present and the behavior was fine. The boxes were auctioned off by Mr. Joe Hardin. Fourteen boxes brought $55.50. Every box brought a good price and some brought as high at $10. Mr. M.C. Erwin drew the lucky number and got a nice box of candy which was sold for $5. A cake was given to the prettiest girl, Miss Callie Morrow, with Miss Johnnie Ruth McDaniel a close second. The cake brought $78.45. The last contest was a cake contest for the ugliest boy. Marvin Kiser won the cake. The total proceeds amounted to $144. We wish to thank everyone who helped.

Misses Loney and Viola Morrow spent Sunday with their uncle, J.R. Morrow.

Mrs. Reba Hodge spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quince Jones.

Born unto Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Bridges, a fine girl, Hazel.

Local News Items

Attorney Paul W. Gay is spending the holidays with relatives in Garysburg, N.C.

City Clerk W.J. Davis and City Electrician A.W. Lynch spent several days in Atlanta, Ga., last week.
Mrs. S.N. Watson has been reappointed census enumerator for Cool Springs township.

Chas. Lamb of Lucama, N.C., spent the past week-end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gudger Edwards.
Hague Padgett, who is with the Main Belting co., with headquarters in Philadelphia, is spending the holidays with relatives in Forest City.

Hicks Kiser, who has been in the lumber business in Saluda county, S.C., has moved his family back to Forest City and will be associated with John Poole in the automobile business.

Governor Bickett has paroled Dock Ripple of Rutherford county, conditioned on good behavior and remaining a law-abiding citizen. Ripple was convicted at the May term of court, 1914, of incest, and sentenced to 10 years in the state prison.

Sergeant Lloyd H. Biggerstaff, keeper of books, records and crown seal corks of the local Coca-Cola Co., informs us that the modern version of the old “wine, women and song” proverb is “Bevo, chicken and jazz.” (Bevo was a non-alcoholic malt beverage brewed by Anheuser-Busch.)

Rev. W.C. Jones, who was assigned by the recent Methodist conference as pastor of the Forest City circuit, has been forced to resign on account of ill health. He is now at his home in Greensboro.

The music recital given by music pupils of the Forest City school, under direction of Miss Parler, at the Methodist church last Thursday night was a complete success and showed splendid work of both pupils and director. A large audience enjoyed the recital.

Weldon T. Keeter, former citizen of Forest City, accompanied by his son Waiter, visited his brother, A.C. Keeter here last week. Mr. Keeter lives at Mayworth and this is his first visit to the old home in three years.

The Courier will observe the usual custom of weekly newspapers and give the printers a few days off for the holidays. Therefore, there will be no issue of The Courier next week.

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