
Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Local News Published Christmas Day, 100 Years Ago

From the front page of the Alamance Gleaner, Graham, N.C., Dec. 25, 1919

Local News

--Here’s wishing you and the rest of mankind a very merry Christmas.

--A fine baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Garrett last Saturday morning.

--The out-of-town teachers of the Graded School have gone to their respective homes to spend the Christmas holidays.

--The recital given by Miss Folger’s music class at the Graded School last Thursday night was largely attended and highly creditable.

--It hailed here last Friday morning, falling to the depth of nearly two inches. It has been real cold since and some of the hail is still here.

--The following Graham people went shopping in Greensboro Monday: Mesdames C.P. Harden, M.R. Rives, R.L. Holmes, J.J. Barefoot, Allen B. Thompson, Edward D. Scott, and Misses Estelle Brown, Margaret Hunter and Lucile and Maxine Holmes.

--Graham Welding Co., Mr. D.S. Myers, manager, has nearly completed the installation of its machinery. It occupies the building next to the Fire House on W. Elm St., and will be prepared to take care of a class of work that has had to be sent out of the county heretofore.

--At the Presbyterian church Sunday night the members of the Sunday school brought gifts in white, consisting of flour, meal and other articles, which were packed and shipped to the Barium Springs Orphanage.

--Mr. Phil S. Dixon, our townsman, has purchased the Gov. Thos. M. Holt residence at Haw River and will occupy the home about January 1st. This is one of the best homes in Alamance, besides being one of the most notable places in the county. Mr. Dixon is fortunate in securing this fine property.

--Mr. Julius Thompson has bought the home of Mr. Dixon on S. Main St. and will move in about January 1st.

Eightieth Birthday

On Tuesday Mr. Peter Hughes gave a dinner in celebration of his 80th birthday to which is family and a few immediate friends were invited. Mr. Hughes is a one-armed Confederate veteran. His friends wish him many returns of the occasion.

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