
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

News Briefs from High Point, Dec. 4, 1919

Collection of short articles from the front page of The Review, High Point, N.C., Thursday, December 4, 1919

Condition of Bob Welch Serious

The condition of J. Robert Welch, who Friday suffered a stroke of paralysis and is now confined to his home, 805 North Main Street, is still regarded as serious today.

Jitney Skids and Turns Turtle

The Greensboro-High Point jitney went on a tear Saturday afternoon and after skidding around a few squares turned turtle and spilled the occupants out. Passing autoists brought the injured to High Point. One man had a fractured arm while others were slightly bruised.

Mad Calf Bites Farmer’s Hand

A.A. Ingram, a well known farmer, was in the city last week consulting a physician regarding a slight wound he recently received when bitten by a calf at his farm near High Point.

Mr. Ingram said investigation revealed that the calf was recently bitten by a dog believe to have been made. The calf, shortly after it was bitten, began to act strange and attacked his chickens. The calf was killed and its head forwarded to Raleigh. If it is found that the calf was infected, Mr. Ingram says that he will leave at once for Raleigh and take the Pasteur treatment.

We Win, As Usual

High Point worsted Spencer in a basketball game at the armory Friday night to the tune of 27 to 14. A large crowd witnessed the game.

Tax Collector in City this Week

Division Deputy Collector H. Hoyle Sink of Lexington arrived in High Point Monday and will remain here all this week collecting taxes. He will be in his office in the post office building from 1 to 3 o’clock Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons. He will spend the remainder of the time he is in the city out calling on taxpayers.

New Clerk at Jewelry Store

Miss Margaret Mungo has accepted a position with the Stamey’s Jewelry store where she will be pleased to see her friends.

Cuts a Caper

Ben Johnson, a white man, tried to have too much Thanksgiving and the result was a home in the lockup and facing Judge Kirkman the next morning on three separate and distinct counts, totaling over $50.

Forthcoming Marriage

Announcements have been sent out regarding the wedding of Miss Mary Alice Campbell to Eugene Donald Idol of Pleasant Garden, the wedding to take place the last of this month in this city where the bride resides.

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