
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Professional Cracksmen Broke Into Lucama Post Office, Store, Bank, Office Sunday Night, Dec. 8, 1919

From The Daily Times, Wilson, N.C., Monday, December 8, 1919

Bold Robbery at Lucama Last Night. . . Post Office, Store and Office Rifled. . . Money and Valuables Taken. . . No Clue to the Robbers

As near as could be ascertained, professional cracksmen visited Lucama in this county, early Sunday morning and entered several stores, the post office and bank building and removed articles of value from each. They got away without observation or leaving any clue as to who they are or as to whence they came. Bloodhounds from Raleigh were sent for and scoured the country round yesterday but nothing was found to lead to their arrest. It is believed they came and departed in automobiles.

The post office was entered and the safe also but no damage was done. The ordinary lock yielded easily to the knowledge of the experts. From the post office was taken $200 in stamps and currency.
The store of Mr. J.R. Lucas was entered and here some $150 worth of clothing and dry goods were taken. Mr. Herbert Lamm, who had been sleeping in a store, happened to be away on Saturday night and at home sick.

The bank was entered, but here they were unable to open the time lock of the safe, and they only secured a few stamps.

The office of Mr. Joe Bass was entered and a pair of shoes and a pistol were taken.

Parties living across the way heard noises and one of them missed a chain from the premises, but thought nothing of the fuss, thinking a dog was around the house.

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